Welcome to the Southern Region



The Regional Leadership Team has created a shared vision for the Southern Region. We developed this Strategic Framework to help us focus on priority work in the Region that we need and want to do. We have defined three focus areas: Restore, Protect and Respond. The framework is intended to “guide, not decide;” each unit will use the framework to guide their work to support the region’s shared vision. The framework is a living document that will evolve over time to respond to a changing world and serve as an anchor during those times of change.

The Strategic Framework Pyramid


Strategic Framework Pyramid


Strategic Framework: Principles and Objectives


The Southern Region is a dynamic collection of lands, cared for by people as a legacy for future generations.

Core Beliefs

We believe that: benefits to people flow from healthy land, healthy land is conserved through wise management, and management is most effective when shared.


We conserve the lands of the Southern Region in partnership with the people we serve.

Area of Focus 1: Restore

  • Goal: Ecological systems are returned to their natural resilience and sustained.
  • Objectives:

    1. Condition of watersheds is improved.
    2. Native vegetation identified in Forest or state plans is restored.
    3. Rare species are restored.

Area of Focus 2: Protect

  • Goal: Human, natural, cultural, and physical resources are secure from degradation and harm.
  • Objectives:

    1. People and resources are protected from catastrophic wildfires.
    2. The basic structure, function, and resilience of ecosystems are protected.
    3. People and resources are protected from unmanaged and/or unlawful activities.
    4. Private inholdings and lands adjacent to forests and grasslands are not threatened by fragmentation.

Area of Focus 3: Respond

  • Goal: Social needs are met in an environmentally sensitive manner.
  • Objectives:

    1. Biomass availability is emphasized to respond to anticipated needs and demands.
    2. Administrative facilities and managed outdoor recreation opportunities are environmentally sustainable.
    3. Special Uses are managed to minimize the environmental footprint through compliance with terms and conditions.