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State Nutrition Action Plans

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People in a pyramid formation holding the SNAP logo

Five Reasons to Support SNAP in FY 2007

  1. Provide consistent nutrition messages. Eighty-five percent of respondents at the FNS 2005 NNEC felt that focusing collaboration efforts on one or two key behaviors would increase the potential for achieving outcomes.

  2. Leverage resources more effectively. Coordination of efforts through SNAPs could help to maximize the investment in nutrition education and increase the reach of these efforts.

  3. Better information sharing among programs. SNAP meetings facilitate information sharing among FNS programs and other nutrition education providers.

  4. New and innovative ideas. Collaboration across programs helps bring new and varied perspectives in addressing existing problems. FNS is facilitating the sharing through cross-program conferences and the SNAP Web site.

  5. Increased potential for getting results. Collaboration results in more integrated and comprehensive nutrition education that reaches individuals, families, and communities with the greater intensity and duration needed to make behavior change more achievable.

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Last Updated: 07/17/2008