A Research Project of the University of Minnesota Extension Service


Copyright ©  2009  Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.


The Study Overall

Rewards of Dairy Farming

Profile of a Dairy Farmer

Rewards of the Farming Lifestyle

Work Overload

Couple Time

The Role of Wives on the Farm

The Role of Children on the Farm

Household Responsibilities

Off-Farm Employment


Intergenerational Relationships

Managing Hired Help


Research Team: Madge Alberts, Extension Educator, Family Development; Dave Kjome, Extension Educator, Livestock Systems, Dairy; Peter Scheffert, Extension Educator, Financial and Business Management; Chuck Schwartau, Extension Educator, Livestock Systems; Jann Wright, Extension Educator, Leadership/Citizenship Education. Consultants: Paul Rosenblatt, Professor, Department of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota; Marlene Stum, Associate Professor, Department of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota. Clerical Support: Kay Clark, Administrative Assistant.

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