Fruit Facts

Plant/Tree Descriptions List

1969-1989 Publications

Seed Bank

Fruit Specialists (Q & A)

CRFG Member Nurseries and Fruit Sources

Tidbits of Info


Fruit Gardener

The Fruit Gardener is the primary publication of the California Rare Fruit Growers. This magazine is a bimonthly publication distributed to current members and contains articles about fruits and vegetables that are of general interest.

Table of Contents of all CRFG Periodical Publications

We welcome contributions of articles and other material consistent with the goals and interests of CRFG, for publication in the Fruit Gardener. Here are publication copy deadlines and manuscript format information.
(Publication is solely at the editor's discretion. If material is more appropriate to another publication style, such as a Fruit Facts, or a "Tidbit" on the web site, the editor may recommend publication in that format.)

© Copyright 2006, California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.
Questions or comments? Contact us.