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NIH Record

Health Fair Offers Something for All NIH'ers, June 16-17

Question: Where can you find all of the benefits listed below -- and more?

Screenings for visual acuity, blood pressure and stroke risk, oral and skin cancer, depression and anxiety; demonstrations on how to access health information by computer; Fitness and Exercise 101; relaxation techniques using therapeutic chairs; displays of ergonomically designed office furniture; tips for reducing risk of repetitive strain injuries in the laboratory; health experts to answer your questions.

Answer: At the "NIH Health Fair: Good Health Begins Here!" on June 16 and 17 in the Visitor Information Center and the lobby level of the Clinical Center. Exhibits are open on Tuesday from noon to 5 p.m. and on Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

NIH director Dr. Harold Varmus says, "The NIH Health Fair gives employees an important opportunity to learn the latest developments in maintaining our health and fitness, as well as receive preventive screenings for various disorders." He will speak at an opening ceremony at 11 a.m. June 16 in Masur Auditorium, with deputy Dr. Ruth Kirschstein.

Dr. C.W. Metcalf

Dr. C.W. Metcalf, author of Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure, is next on the program. He heads a Colorado-based training firm that specializes in helping people and organizations thrive in environments of rapid change. His volunteer work with pedia-tric cancer patients and ongoing efforts as a volunteer for hospice groups led him to develop humor, risk and change seminars.

There will be 35 booths covering such topics as mental health, safety, nutrition, exercise, ergonomics, and prevention and control of common diseases; these open at noon June 16 with a ribbon-cutting at the Visitor Information Center. You can chart your own family tree and discuss findings with genetic counselors. Discover the alcohol content of everyday household products. See how certain diseases and deformities look on "Mr. Bones." Examine and manipulate hearing aids. Learn how you can donate blood to NIH patients. Find out what services NIH offers to help employees balance work and family life. Information will be available on numerous subjects from Alzheimer's disease to elder care to eating disorders to drug abuse.

Health screenings will be conducted on a first come, first served basis. The exception is skin cancer screening, which requires an appointment. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 402-3305. Space is limited, so call early.

An initiative of the worksite health promotion action committee, the health fair is sponsored by the Office of Disease Prevention in cooperation with the ICs, R&W and FDA.

For sign language interpretation services visit booth #1 during the health fair. For reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, call James Hadley, event coordinator, at 435-6045.

NIH Health Fair '98
Schedule of Screenings

June 16, noon - 5 p.m.

June 17, 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Depression and Anxiety Disorder Lobby Area
Visual Acuity Lobby Area
Oral Cancer Nobel Laureate Balcony
Blood Pressure Lipsett Vestibule
Stroke Risk Lipsett Vestibule
*Skin Cancer (by appointment) Clinical Center
*To schedule an appointment, call 402-3305.

Experts on various health-related topics available between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day throughout the Health Fair.

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