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News Briefs

Garden Club Meets, June 4

The NIH Garden Club's June 4 meeting at noon in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 6, will feature Alice Sills speaking on landscape design. Her earlier presentation on winter interests in the garden was so enthusiastically received, she's been invited back. The meeting is open to any interested gardener. The club also has established an email listserv to exchange gardening information, answer questions, and advertise "give-away" surplus plants. Anyone can join the list; go to the Garden Club Web page for information.

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series -- held (usually) on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 -- starts early on June 10 (at 1 p.m.) to accommodate talks by four cancer scientists who will lecture as part of the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation annual scientific conference. They are NCI grantees H. Rodney Withers (UCLA), Suzanne Cory (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia) and Stanley Korsmeyer (Washington University, HHMI), and NIGMS grantee H. Robert Horvitz (MIT, HHMI).

On June 17, Dr. Gerald R. Crabtree, professor of pathology and developmental biology, Stanford University School of Medicine and HHMI investigator, will discuss "The CA++/Calcineurin/NFATc Pathway in Development and Cell Proliferation."

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, 594-5595.

Last Call for Research Festival Posters

The deadline is fast approaching to submit applications for poster sessions for the 1998 NIH Research Festival. Registration ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 5. An online application form and other details are available at the Research Festival Web site,, which is linked from the News and Events section of the NIH home page.

The program for this fall, scheduled for Oct. 6-9, will be less diffuse and marks a return to the event's original purpose, say organizers, "to bring together the NIH intramural research community in all of its scientific diversity but at the same time, to focus on a set of research themes that are broadly important and still emerging."

The festival kicks off with a full-day Job Fair for NIH postdoctoral fellows followed by scientific meetings condensed into a 3-day format. Each morning begins with a plenary session. The morning sessions are followed each day by a round of six concurrent mini-symposia, for a total of 18 cross-cutting presentations.

A special treat for employees will be the daily lunch-time picnics sponsored by the Technical Sales Association, complete with musical entertainment.

To obtain a printed version of the entry form or for more information, call 496-1776.

TDC Lecture Date Changes

Originally scheduled for May 6, the talk in the Technology Development Coordinators' Spring Lecture Series titled "Domestic and Foreign Patent Law and Procedure," featuring Dr. John Schneller of Spencer and Frank law firm has been rescheduled for June 9, 2-4 p.m. in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 9. For more information contact Lauren Neal, 402-5579.

Japan Society Offers Fellowships

Through arrangements made with the Fogarty International Center, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science will award up to 30 postdoctoral fellowships to Japanese researchers currently at NIH. Fellowships must begin on Jan. 1, Feb. 1, or Mar. 1, 1999. This program is designed to support meritorious biomedical and behavioral research projects undertaken in NIH laboratories by young Japanese postdoctoral researchers. Applicants must currently be conducting intramural research at NIH and should have completed no more than 1 year of research and training. The fellowship will provide up to 2 additional years of support. Applications must be received by July 3.

Interested persons should contact FIC immediately to receive detailed program information and application instructions. Requests should be directed to: Dr. Kathleen Michels or Sheila Feldman, FIC Division of International Training and Research, at 496-1653; fax: 402-0779; email:

Old Paper Unearthed in Bldg. 10

DES Electrician Roy Scriba reads the headlines from a 49-year-old copy of the old Washington Times-Herald that was recently extracted from the B1 level of Bldg. 10. He and coworker Shane Shamblin found the newspaper during renovations on the B1 level; it had been rolled up lengthwise and used to stuff a hollowed-out bracket to prevent poured concrete from entering the bracket during hospital construction. Headlines of the day from the yellowed journalism included a Bolling Air Force base soldier who set fire to the base chapel "because they wouldn't let me teach Sunday school," and birth in Arlington of a baby whose bladder formed outside his body, an anomaly occurring once in 40,000 births, according to "medical spokesmen." Advertisements said sport shirts could be had two for $3 at the old Lansburgh's, an "air cooled" store at 7th and E downtown.

Postdoctoral Training Available
in Cancer Genetics, Epidemiology

The NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics is accepting applications for the Cancer Genetics and Epidemiology Training Program. This postdoctoral fellowship program emphasizes interdisciplinary training in clinical, quantitative, and molecular genetics, and genetic epidemiology.

The fellowship provides opportunities to identify genetic determinants and gene-environment interactions conferring cancer risk in individuals, families and populations. It also includes a class and clinical and laboratory rotations. Applicants will be accepted for up to 3 years of training.

Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree in human genetics, molecular genetics, biostatistics, epidemiology, or a related field, and be citizens or resident aliens of the U.S. eligible for citizenship within 4 years.

Deadline is Nov. 15 for a negotiable start date. Send CV, bibliography, three letters of recommendation and a 1-page discussion of the basis for interest in the program to: Dr. Dilys Parry, Genetic Epidemiology Branch, NCI, Executive Plaza North, Rm. 400, 6130 Executive Blvd. MSC 7360, Bethesda, MD 20892-7360. Phone 496-4948, email:

BSSR Summer Meeting, June 22

The Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Interest Group will hold its summer meeting on Monday, June 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Natcher Bldg., balcony A. The featured speaker is Dr. Robert Rosenthal, Edgar Pierce professor of psychology, Harvard University, who will discuss "Future Directions in the Analysis of Scientific Data: Doing It Better for a Change."

He will cover the latest approaches and controversies in statistical analysis, including significance testing, meta-analysis and effect size interpretation. He will also discuss recommendations of the task force on statistical inference from the American Psychological Association. All are invited to attend; no registration required. For more information call Angie Chon-Lee, 594-5943.

National Day of Prayer Observance

About 150 NIH employees and visitors gathered on the lawn in front of Bldg. 1 May 7 for the third annual National Day of Prayer celebration. The observance was sponsored by the Noontime Christian Fellowship, and featured Rev. Kevin Williams, senior pastor at Love and Faith World Outreach Church of Clinton, Md., as guest speaker.

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