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Iowa EPC Adopts Controversial P Index
By Pork news source  |  Monday, June 28, 2004

Limiting applications of phosphorus from livestock manure is the latest regulation being imposed on Iowa livestock producers.

The Iowa Environmental Protection Commission voted last week to adopt regulations proposed by Iowa Department of Natural Resources staff. New livestock operations needing manure management plans must comply with the rules starting Oct. 24.

Animal feeding operations that submitted manure plans prior to April 1, 2002, have until Aug. 25, 2008, to comply, while plans submitted after April 1, 2002, but prior to Oct. 24, have until Aug. 25, 2006.

The rules will prohibit applications of livestock manure on fields testing very high in P. Phosphorus could be applied only if conservation practices are implemented to reduce the movement of soil particles.

Instead of using the federal government’s Phosphorus Index as a guideline, Iowa law now requires the Department of Natural Resources to use the index as a regulatory tool.

Producers commenting before the EPC expressed concern about being able to apply livestock manure or being able to expand their operations.

The Iowa Farm Bureau Federation has concerns with aspects of how the DNR is implementing its P Index. The group also questioned the constitutionality of provisions in the DNR’s rules, saying they violate state and federal laws by impairing the obligation of contracts.

The DNR wants to hold livestock producers “liable” for actions taken by a neighbor on whose land the livestock manure is applied. The livestock producer would be liable for any additional nutrient applications made by other landowners.

Also discussed at length was a new record keeping requirement. Currently, manure plan records must be provided within 48 hours. The new rules require records to be available within 30 miles of the production site.

For more information or to read the final rule, contact the Iowa Pork Producers Association at: (800)-372-7675 or go to the IPPA Web site at:

Iowa Farm Bureau Spokesman


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