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Saturday, January 17, 2009 | Sign In | Register

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This Week's Top Stories:

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GE-free labels misleading
CO packaging for meat is safe
Phytoestrogens found in animal-sourced foods
Hunger: Agriculture has role to play
As technology is removed, higher costs unfold 
Increased production reduces impact
All milk is the same
Survey of retail milk consumption 2008 
rbST reduces carbon footprint of dairies
CDC tells Congress MRSA not from food animals
Survey finds 'antibiotic free' not that bankable

There is a reason for cages
Information age not without hidden dangers
Worst climate predictions of 2008
Let's exercise our given right to water
Prop 2: Is it constitutional? 
Truck still has to haul the cows 
Could banning farm antibiotics lead to more food-borne disease? 

A lesson from China 
Nutrients abound
Animal agriculture is good for the environment 
Milk: Let the buyer beware - article or video
Stalls can be in a sow's best interest

An attack on consumer and producers alike
Growth hormones benefit the environment

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