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National Forest Health Monitoring

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Special Projects

Sudden Oak Death National Detection Survey

Forms Methods

Right click on the links below and save these files to your hard drive.

2008 Custody Card Example.png

2008 Custody Card Blank Destination.png

2008 Sample Label.png

Sample Label Example 2007.png

2008 Stream Baiting Field Reporting Form

2008 Stream Baiting Laboratory Reporting Form

Forest Survey for 2008: Steve Oak, USDA-FS Asheville

You can right click on the links below and save these documents to your hard drive.

2008 Stream Baiting Protocol.doc

2008 Stream Baiting Protocol Points of Emphasis.doc

Stream Baiting Problems.doc

2008 Field Equipment List.doc

Culturing Species of Phytophthora.pdf

2007 Pramorum Micro Images.jpg

2007 Bait Symptoms Images.doc

Symptom Guide & Captions - Gallery

Bay Laurel Pr blight images

Kalmia Non Pr blight images

Kalmia Pr blight images

Other Host Pr Dieback images

Other Host Pr Foliage images

Non Pr Stem Cankers images

Pr Stem Canker images

Pr_Inoculated_Native_Rhody images

Rhody Non Pr Blight images

Rhody Pr Blight Images

Tanoak Images


2007 Training PowerPoint

You can right click on the editable PowerPoint links below to save the presentation to your hard drive. The PDF versions will download faster and allow you to zoom into components on each page, but are not edit friendly.

  • 2007 Survey Training- Bait Isolation SJeffers PowerPoint PDF
  • 2007 Survey Training- Bait Leaf Quality JHwang PowerPoint PDF
  • 2007 Survey Training- Filtration of Phytophthora species JHwang PowerPoint PDF
  • 2007 Survey Training- General Phytophthora species in Trees SJeffers PowerPoint PDF

Sudden Oak Death Pest Alerts

Sudden Oak Death — Eastern

Sudden Oak Death — Western

SOD Survey Maps



USDA Forest Service - Forest Health Monitoring
This page last modified on: March 19, 2008