WSDC Cheese is now available at the following retail locations or Buy Cheese Now.

Dante & Mona featured at the Cube restaurant "Makers Night" in Los Angeles.

Sheep Milk and Sheep Milk Cheese produced by the small family farms of the Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Cooperative.

WSDC Profile

The Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Coop is a premier maker of artisinal sheep milk cheese and the single largest source of high quality sheep milk for cheese plants in the United States. Comprised of 15 family farms, the coop ships sheep milk as far east as New York State and as far west as California. WSDC has the most stringent quality standards in the industry and a great affinity for the cheese-maker's perspective and requirements.


The business of the WSDC will be conducted by individual members and the cooperative with respect, integrity and sincere consideration for our members and their families, our customers and suppliers, our communities, our animals, and our land. We believe this will establish industry standards for promoting highly-valued sheep dairy products.


The mission of the Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Cooperative (WSDC) is to enhance the quality of life for co-op member families by sustainably producing and marketing premium sheep dairy products.

The WSDC is seeking to expand its membership base in specific areas of Wisconsin and Minnesota. If you are interested in becoming a WSDC member please visit our membership Information page.


Dante honored at 2006 and 2007 American Cheese Society Awards.

Mona honored at the 2007 American Cheese Society Awards.


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Copyright © 2008 Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Cooperative