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e-CFR Data is current as of January 14, 2009

Title 7: Agriculture
Subpart R—Lien Accommodations and Subordinations for 100 Percent Private Financing

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§ 1717.853   Loan terms and conditions.

(a) Terms and conditions. A loan, bond or other financing instrument, for which a lien accommodation or subordination is requested from RUS, must comply with the following terms and conditions:

(1) The maturity of the loan or bond used to finance facilities or other capital assets must not exceed the weighted average of the expected remaining useful lives of the assets being financed;

(2) The loan or bond must have a maturity of not less than 5 years, except for loans or bonds used to refinance debt that has a remaining maturity of less than 5 years;

(3) The principal of the loan or bond must be amortized at a rate that will yield a weighted average life not greater than the weighted average life that would result from level payments of principal and interest; and

(4) The loan, or any portion of the loan, may bear either a variable (set annually or more frequently) or a fixed interest rate.

(b) RUS approval. Loan terms and conditions and the loan agreement between the borrower and the lender are subject to RUS approval. However, RUS will usually waive its right of approval for distribution borrowers that meet the conditions for advance approval of a lien accommodation or subordination set forth in §1717.854. RUS may also waive its right of approval in other cases. RUS's decision to waive its right of approval will depend on the adequacy of security for RUS's loans, the current and projected financial strength of the borrower and its ability to meet its financial obligations, RUS's familiarity with the lender and its lending practices, whether the transaction is ordinary or unusual, and the uncertainty and credit risks involved in the transaction.

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August 1, 2007
