MBA Logo Midwestern Bio-Ag

Biological Farming

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Welcome to Midwestern Bio-Ag

Mineralized, Balanced Agriculture

Welcome to Midwestern Bio-Ag-- a biologically-based agri-consulting company. Our business is helping you make profitable "Bio-Logical" management decisions on your farm. Since the inception of our company in 1984, we've proven on hundreds of farms like yours that working with Mother Nature comforts your conscience and brings peace of mind as well as profits.

The old adages about "starting with the basics," "building a strong foundation first," and "getting your priorities straight" all apply to the way we help you make the conversion to environmentally-friendly, sustainable, profitable farming. The basic foundation and top priority for everything that happens on your farm is the land, so that's where we start. A biologically balanced healthy soil makes for healthy plants, animals, and humans. We call it the soil to silo to stomach connection.

We invite you to use our website to learn about Midwestern Bio-Ag's programs and our company philosophy. Meet our key professionals and our dealer network. Read about our successes. And ask questions. We're here to help you whether you're already a customer or whether you're evaluating the "bio-logical farming" opportunity for the first time.

Thanks for coming here. Make yourself at home.

Gary F. Zimmer,