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Nurturing the biodynamic movement in North America through education, research, and development

North American Biodynamic Apprenticeship Program


We are pleased to announce a new two-year certification program, sponsored in part by the Association, for apprentices seeking to learn more about the knowledge and practices of biodynamic agriculture. This new Program consists of an on-farm component—where trainees learn while working—and an accompanying educational component, which takes place in more classroom-like settings. Trainees are assisted in finding suitable farms and in arranging the study component by Regional Coordinators, with whom they review their progress on a regular basis. Trainees apprentice on one or more mentor farms or gardens for 24 months. These farms may be either organic or biodynamic, but at least one year needs to be spent on a biodynamic farm. For more information, visit the Program's new website at or read Program Administrator Sherry Wildfeuer's announcement article.

Job Opening — Executive Director

The Association is seeking a full-time, professional staff person whose primary responsibility is to provide leadership and to manage the operation and growth of the Association. We believe "our responsibility is to be a unifying voice for the biodynamic movement," and the Executive Director is the "face" of the organization. The Executive Director is accountable to the Board of Directors and is responsible for carrying out board-approved goals and objectives; facilitating the work of staff and contractors; and operating the organization within the board-approved budget. The Executive Director has primary responsibility for program development, fundraising, communications, and financial management. Please see full job description for details about responsibilities, qualifications, benefits, application procedure, and deadline.

Please help support the work of the Association!


We believe that you are at the heart of accomplishing the mission of the Association. Please help us this year as we seek to provide the growing biodynamic movement with adequate funding — like much-needed education, research, and development for the regional groups and associations, as well as continuation of the training and education initiatives we undertook in 2008. Recognizing that these are challenging economic times, we encourage you to support the work of the Association — work that we believe becomes even more crucial in light of this changing world. Read more.

Articles now available online

(We will be adding HTML versions of some articles previously posted in PDF format, as well as new articles. Please check back regularly for additions.)


  • NRDC Announces First Annual Growing Green Awards to Honor Extraordinary Contributions in Sustainable Food: A Growing Green Award will be given to an outstanding individual in each of three categories, including Food Producer, Business Leader, and Thought Leader. A $10,000 cash prize will be awarded in the Food Producer category and all winners will be widely celebrated through media outreach and to NRDC’s networks. Nominations due Feb. 6, 2009. For more information, see full press release.
  • Petition for GMO labeling: the Institute for Responsible Technology offers an online petition urging President-Elect Obama to announce a GMO food labeling policy.
  • USDA seeks public comment on deregulation of GE corn: on a petition to deregulate corn genetically engineered (GE) to produce a microbial enzyme that facilitates ethanol production. Comments must be received by Jan. 20, 2009. Send two copies of postal mail comments to Docket No. APHIS-2007-0016, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station 3A-03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238. Comments can also be submitted online at the the Federal eRulemaking portal.
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