EPA nominee to focus on science not politics
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Lisa Jackson said "science will be the backbone of what EPA does."
By Jack Grubner, USA TODAY
Lisa Jackson said "science will be the backbone of what EPA does."

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WASHINGTON — The nation's environmental policies should be based on science, not interference from political appointees, President-elect Barack Obama's nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency told Senate lawmakers Wednesday.

"Science will be the backbone of what EPA does," Lisa Jackson, the nominee, testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. She added that decisions by the chief environmental watchdog will "reflect the expert judgment of the agency's career scientists and independent advisers."

Her comments follow repeated criticisms — by the committee's chairwoman, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and advocacy groups such as the Union of Concerned Scientists — that the Bush administration had given assessments by government scientists a back seat to political judgments. Her statements also pointedly suggested that she intends to break with some controversial EPA decisions of the past eight years.

At a wide-ranging confirmation hearing, Jackson won almost unanimous praise from lawmakers. Boxer said she hopes to "move quickly" to bring Jackson's nomination before the full Senate, where she could be confirmed as early as next week.

Jackson said cutting emissions of chemicals that contribute to global warming and other types of air pollution will be among the Obama administration's top five environmental goals. The others, she said, are cleaning up hazardous waste sites, protecting water quality and dealing with toxic chemicals.

"These five problems are tough, but so is our resolve to conquer them," Jackson said.

The confirmation hearing served partly as a forum for Democratic lawmakers to batter the EPA's conduct during the Bush administration. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., called the agency "a disgrace to our country." Boxer said the agency "has hurt the American people, made them less safe."

The panel's Republicans generally praised Jackson but criticized the new administration's plans to regulate carbon dioxide, linked to global warming. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., warned that such regulations could further damage the economy.

Jackson also said the Obama administration would:

• Immediately assess hundreds of coal ash piles nationwide, following a pair of spills in Tennessee and Alabama.

• Revisit controversial EPA rules, including a decision by outgoing administrator Stephen Johnson that prevented California and other states from imposing their own limits on greenhouse gas emissions.

• Bolster the government's commitment to children's health.

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