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Plant Data

NatureServe compiles and maintains extensive data on the plants of the United States and Canada. However, at this time there are no downloadable datasets available for plants.

Our NatureServe Explorer website provides extensive information on more than 65,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada from our central databases. Searches can be conducted by species name, taxonomic group, distribution, conservation status, and invasive species status (for plants not native to the United States.)

State and province-specific data are compiled by our network of member programs. Many of these datasets are available through our Local Program Data portal.

Invasive Species Assessment Protocol

Which non-native plants pose the most serious threats to native species and ecosystems? Our “Invasive Species Assessment Protocol” assesses non-native plants found in North America according to their impacts on native plants, animals, and natural communities.

NatureServe Explorer now includes these impact ranks, or "I-ranks", for hundreds of non-native plant species of the U.S. Individual "I-ranks" (high, medium, low, or insignificant) are listed in the reports for each individual species.

 Download the publication: An Invasive Species Assessment Protocol: Evaluating Non-Native Plants for Their Impact on Biodiversity, (PDF file, 1.03M)

 Download Dataform and Scoresheet in Excel (40K)



Learn More

 Download the publication: An Invasive Species Assessment Protocol: Evaluating Non-Native Plants for Their Impact on Biodiversity, (PDF file, 1.03M)

 Download 6-2-04 press release (PDF file, 149K)
Visit NatureServe Explorer to search for information about non-native species of the U.S. and Canada, including distribution maps.
Visit The Nature Conservancy's Wildland Invasive Species Team website for extensive management information.

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