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e-CFR Data is current as of January 13, 2009

Title 7: Agriculture
Subpart C—Classification of Proposals

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§ 1794.25   Proposals normally requiring an EIS.

Applications for financial assistance for certain proposed actions that may significantly affect the quality of the human environment shall require the preparation of an EIS.

(a) Electric program. An EIS will normally be required in connection with proposed actions involving the following types of facilities:

(1) New electric generating facilities of more than 50 MW (nameplate rating) other than fuel cell, combustion turbine, combined cycle, or diesel generators. All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EIS; and

(2) A new mining operation when the applicants have effective control (e.g., dedicated mine or purchase of a substantial portion of the mining equipment).

(b) Proposals listed above are subject to the requirements of §§1794.60, 1794.61, 1794.63, and 1794.64. Preparation of a supplemental draft or final EIS in accordance with 40 CFR 1502.9 shall be subject to the requirements of §§1794.62 and 1794.64.

(c) Telecommunications and water and waste programs. No groups or sets of proposed actions normally require the preparation of an EIS. The environmental review process, as described in this part, shall be used to identify those proposed actions for which the preparation of an EIS is necessary. If an EIS is required, RUS shall proceed directly to its preparation. Prior completion of an EA is not mandatory.

[63 FR 68655, Dec. 11, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 45159, Aug. 1, 2003]

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August 1, 2007
