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e-CFR Data is current as of January 13, 2009

Title 7: Agriculture

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Subpart B—Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act

§ 1794.10   Applicant responsibilities.

As described in subpart C of this part, applicants shall prepare the applicable environmental documentation concurrent with a proposed action's engineering, planning, and design activities. RUS shall assist applicants by outlining the types of information required and shall provide guidance and oversight in the development of the documentation. Documentation shall not be considered complete until all public review periods, as applicable, have expired and RUS concurrence, as set forth in the appropriate decision document and associated public notice, has been issued.

§ 1794.11   Apply NEPA early in the planning process.

The environmental review process requires early coordination with and involvement of RUS. Applicants should consult with RUS at the earliest stages of planning for any proposal that may require RUS action. For proposed actions that normally require an EIS, applicants shall consult with RUS prior to obtaining the services of an environmental consultant.

§ 1794.12   Consideration of alternatives.

In determining what are reasonable alternatives, RUS considers a number of factors. These factors may include, but are not limited to, the proposed action's size and scope, state of the technology, economic considerations, legal and socioeconomic concerns, availability of resources, and the timeframe in which the identified need must be fulfilled.

§ 1794.13   Public involvement.

(a) In carrying out its responsibilities under NEPA, RUS shall make diligent efforts to involve the public in the environmental review process through public notices and public hearings and meetings.

(1) All public notices required by this part shall describe the nature, location, and extent of the proposed action and indicate the availability and location of additional information. They shall be published in newspaper(s) of general circulation within the proposed action's area of environmental impact and the county(s) in which the proposed action will take place or such other places as RUS determines.

(2) The number of editions in which the notices should be published will be specified in the Bulletins referenced in §1794.7 or established on a project-by-project basis. Alternative forms of notice may also be necessary to ensure that residents located in the area affected by the proposed action are notified. The applicant should not publish notices for compliance with this part until so notified by RUS.

(3) A copy of all comments received by the applicant concerning environmental aspects of the proposed action shall be provided to RUS in a timely manner. RUS and applicants shall assess and consider public comments both individually and collectively. Responses to public comments will be appended to the applicable environmental document.

(4) RUS and applicants shall make available to the public those project related environmental documents that RUS determines will enhance public participation in the environmental process. These materials shall be placed in locations convenient for the public as determined by RUS in consultation with applicants. Included with the documentation shall be a list of other project-related information that shall be available for inspection through a designated RUS or applicant contact person.

(5) Public hearings or meetings shall be held at reasonable times and locations concerning environmental aspects of a proposed action in all cases where, in the opinion of RUS, the need for hearings or meetings is indicated in order to develop adequate information on the environmental implications of the proposed action. Public hearings or meetings conducted by RUS will be coordinated to the extent practicable with other meetings, hearings, and environmental reviews which may be held or required by other Federal, state and local agencies. Applicants shall, as necessary, participate in all RUS conducted public hearings or meeting.

(6) Scoping procedures, in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.7, are required for proposed actions normally requiring an EA with scoping (§1794.24) or an EIS (§1794.25). RUS may require scoping procedures to be followed for other proposed actions where appropriate to achieve the purposes of NEPA.

(b) The applicant shall have public notices described in this section published in a newspaper(s). Applicants shall obtain proof of publication from the newspaper(s) for inclusion into the applicable environmental document. Where the proposed action requires an EIS RUS shall, in addition to applicant published notices, publish notice in theFederal Register.In all cases, RUS may publish notices in theFederal Registeras appropriate.

§ 1794.14   Interagency involvement and coordination.

In an attempt to reduce or eliminate duplication of effort with state or local procedures, RUS will, to the extent possible and in accordance with 40 CFR 1506.2, actively participate with any governmental agency to cooperatively or jointly prepare environmental documents so that one document will comply with all applicable laws. Where RUS has agreed to participate as a cooperating agency, in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.6, RUS may rely upon the lead agency's procedures for implementing NEPA procedures. In addition, RUS shall request that:

(a) The lead agency indicates that RUS is a cooperating agency in all NEPA-related notices published for the proposed action;

(b) The scope and content of the EA or EIS satisfies the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to RUS; and

(c) The applicant shall inform RUS in a timely manner of its involvement in a proposed action where another Federal agency is preparing an environmental document so as to permit RUS to adequately fulfill its duties as a cooperating agency.

§ 1794.15   Limitations on actions during the NEPA process.

(a) General. Until RUS concludes its environmental review process, the applicant shall take no action concerning the proposed action which would have an adverse environmental impact or limit the choice of reasonable alternatives being considered in the environmental review process (40 CFR 1506.1). The RUS environmental review process is concluded when:

(1) A categorical exclusion determination has been made for proposals listed under §§1794.21 and 1794.22.

(2) Applicant notices announcing the RUS FONSI determination have been published for proposals listed under §§1794.23 and 1794.24.

(3) Applicant notices announcing the RUS Record of Decision have been published for proposals listed under §1794.25.

(b) Electric program. In determining which applicant activities related to a proposed action can proceed prior to completion of the environmental review process, RUS must determine, among other matters that:

(1) The activity shall not have an adverse environmental impact and shall not preclude the search for other alternatives. For example, purchase of water rights, optioning or transfer of land title, or continued use of land as historically employed will not have an adverse environmental impact. However, site preparation or construction at or near the proposed site (e.g. rail spur) or development of a related facility (e.g. opening a captive mine) normally will have an adverse environmental impact.

(2) Expenditures are minimal. To be minimal, the expenditure must not exceed the amount of loss which the applicant could absorb without jeopardizing the Government's security interest in the event the proposed action is not approved by the Administrator, and must not compromise the objectivity of RUS environmental review. Not withstanding other considerations, expenditures equivalent to up to 10 percent of the proposed action's cost normally will not compromise RUS objectivity. Expenditures for the purpose of producing documentation required for RUS environmental review are excluded from this limitation.

[63 FR 68655, Dec. 11, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 45159, Aug. 1, 2003]

§ 1794.16   Tiering.

It is the policy of RUS to prepare programmatic level analysis in order to tier an EIS and an EA where:

(a) It is practicable, and

(b) There will be a reduction of delay and paperwork, or where better decision making will be fostered (40 CFR 1502.20).

§ 1794.17   Mitigation.

(a) General. In addition to complying with the requirements of 40 CFR 1502.14(f), it is RUS policy that a discussion of mitigative measures essential to render the impacts of the proposed action not significant will be included in or referenced in the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and the Record of Decision (ROD).

(b) Water and waste program. (1) Mitigation measures which involve protective measures for environmental resources cited in this part or restrictions or limitations on real property located in the service areas of the proposed action shall be negotiated with applicants and any relevant regulatory agency so as to be enforceable. All mitigation measures incorporating land use issues shall recognize the rights and responsibilities of landholders in making private land use decisions and recognize the responsibility of governments in influencing how land may be used to meet public needs.

(2) Mitigation measures shall be included in the letter of conditions.

(3) RUS has the responsibility for the post approval construction or security inspections or monitoring to ensure that all mitigation measures included in the environmental documents have been implemented as specified in the letter of conditions.

§§ 1794.18-1794.19   [Reserved]

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August 1, 2007
