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 Searched for as a phrase: California in "NAL_subject"
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Records 1 thru 20 of 71

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 01.Title: 2001 Status Report: Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act
Author(s): Schuette, J. P.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: environmental law/ pesticide regulations/ compliance/ pesticide registration/ pesticide residues/ agrochemicals/ active ingredients/ physicochemical properties/ groundwater contamination/ public water supply/ water quality analysis/ environmental monitoring/ information systems/ state government/ California/
Date: 2001-12-00
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 02.Title: Ages and Types of Herbicide Residues in Well Waters of Fresno and Tulare Counties, California
Author(s): Spurlock, F.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: herbicide residues/ simazine/ diuron/ bromacil/ chlorofluorocarbons/ groundwater contamination/ agricultural runoff/ pesticide application/ temporal variation/ environmental monitoring/ sampling/ wells/ water pollution/ water quality analysis/ California/
Date: 1997-00-00
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 03.Title: Agricultural Pesticide Residues in California Well Water: Development and Summary of a Well Inventory Data Base for Non-point Sources
Author(s): Cardozo, C. L.; Nicosia, S.; Troiano, J.
Publisher: California Department of Food and Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: pesticide residues/ agrochemicals/ groundwater contamination/ wells/ public water supply/ water quality analysis/ sampling/ environmental monitoring/ databases/ information systems/ state government/ public policy/ governmental programs and projects/ methodology/ data collection/ California/
Date: 1985-07-31
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 04.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: lakes and reserviors in nutrient ecoregion II
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ lakes/ reservoirs/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ mountains/ forests/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ South Dakota/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 05.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: lakes and reserviors in nutrient ecoregion III
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ lakes/ reservoirs/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ deserts/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ Nevada/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2001-12-00
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 06.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion I
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ rivers/ streams/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ agricultural land/ valleys/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ California/ Oregon/ Washington/ Northwestern United States/ United States/
Date: 2001-12-00
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 07.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion II
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ rivers/ streams/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ mountains/ forests/ steepland soils/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ South Dakota/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 08.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion III
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ rivers/ streams/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ deserts/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ Nevada/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 09.Title: Appendix to Report EH 90-07 Atrazine Leaching and its Relation to Percolation of Water as Influenced by Three Rates and Four Methods of Irrigation Water Application
Author(s): Troiano, J.; Garretson, C.; Krauter, C.; Brownell, J.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: herbicide residues/ atrazine/ bromides/ chlorides/ leaching/ irrigation systems/ evapotranspiration/ groundwater contamination/ soil chemistry/ sampling/ labeling techniques/ quality control/ soil water movement/ soil properties/ soil water content/ soil texture/ organic matter/ infiltration (hydrology)/ California/
Date: 1990-10-00
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 10.Title: Aqueduct Magazine Cubed
Author(s): Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Publisher: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ water management/ water policy/ water conservation/ water use/ laws and regulations/ biosecurity/ culture and humanities/ visual arts/ sensation/ taste/ hearing/ salts/ salinity/ public health/ California/
Date: 2001-00-00
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 11.Title: Atrazine and Its Relation to Percolation of Water as Influenced by Three Rates and Four Methods of Irrigation Water Application
Author(s): Troiano, J.; Garretson, C.; Krauter, C.; Brownell, J.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: herbicide residues/ atrazine/ leaching/ agricultural runoff/ irrigation systems/ sprinkler irrigation/ basin irrigation/ furrow irrigation/ drip irrigation/ evapotranspiration/ groundwater contamination/ core samplers/ sampling/ labeling techniques/ soil water movement/ California/
Date: 1990-07-00
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 12.Title: Calibrating SALT: A Sampling Scheme to Improve Estimates of Suspended Sediment Yield
Author(s): Thomas, R. B.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sampling/ statistical models/ sediment yield/ total suspended solids/ methodology/ regression analysis/ California/
Date: 1986-00-00
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 13.Title: Comparative Water-Quality Assessment of the Hai He River Basin in the People's Republic of China and Three Similar Basins in the United States
Author(s): Domagalski, J.; Xinquan, Z.; Chao, L.; Deguo, Z.; Chi, F. L.; Kaitai, X.; Ying, L.; Yang, L.; Shide, L.; Dewen, L.; Yong, G.; Qi, T.; Jing, L.; Weidong, Y.; Shedlock, R.; Knifong, D.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: groundwater contamination/ wells/ hydrogeology/ geomorphology/ stable isotopes/ groundwater recharge/ water quality analysis/ water quality standards/ sampling/ nitrate nitrogen/ pesticides/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ China/ Delaware/ Maryland/ Virginia/ California/
Date: 2001-00-00
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 14.Title: Confronting Climate Change in California: Ecological Impacts on the Golden State
Author(s): Field, C. B.; Daily, G. C.; Davis, F. W.; Gaines, S.; Matson, P. A.; Melack, J.; Miller, N. L.
Publisher: Union of Concerned Scientists & Ecological Society of America
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: climate change/ global change/ ambient temperature/ precipitation/ weather/ storms/ ecosystems/ human population/ environmental impact/ land use change/ freshwater/ plant growth/ hydrologic cycle/ water pollution/ fires/ habitat destruction/ wildlife habitats/ geographical distribution/ biodiversity/ pests/ pathogens/ floods/ landslides/ agroecosystems/ forestry/ estuaries/ seawater/ environmental policy/ citizen participation/ California/
Date: 1999-11-00
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 15.Title: Designing Green Programs To Protect Environmental Amenities: A Mechanism Design Approach
Author(s): Goodhue, R.E.; Gruere, G.; Klonsky, K.
Publisher: University of Minnesota
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: environmental programs/ conservation programs/ government payments/ policy analysis/ agricultural economics/ input output analysis/ environmental impact/ monitoring/ California/
Date: 2001-00-00
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 16.Title: Determination of Leaching in Soil of Nematicides Applied through Drip Irrigation
Author(s): Weaver, D.J.; McKenry, M.V.; Marade, S.J.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: pesticide residues/ nematicides/ aldoxycarb/ ethoprophos/ fenamiphos/ oxamyl/ agricultural runoff/ drip irrigation/ groundwater contamination/ soil quality/ core samplers/ sampling/ soil water movement/ California/
Date: 1990-02-00
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 17.Title: Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Loads in Precipitation and Urban and Agricultural Storm Runoff during January and February 2001 in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
Author(s): Zamora, C.; Kratzer, C.R.; Majewski, M.S.; Knifong, D.L.
Publisher: U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: insecticides/diazinon/chlorpyrifos/agricultural runoff//
Date: 2003-00-00
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 18.Title: Economic benefits of reducing fire-related sediment in southwestern fire-prone ecosystems.
Author(s): Loomis, J.; Wohlgemuth, P.; Gonzalez-Caban, A.; English, D.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: prescribed burning/ wildfire management/ soil erosion/ watersheds/ economic analysis/
Date: 2003-09-18
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 19.Title: Effect of irrigation scheduling on movement of pesticides to ground water in coarse soils
Author(s): Spurlock, F.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: irrigation scheduling/ temporal variation/ agricultural runoff/ pesticides/ soil water movement/ arid lands/ groundwater contamination/ evapotranspiration/ simulation models/ Monte Carlo method/ California/
Date: 2000-01-00
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 20.Title: Effects of Agronomic and Geologic Factors on Pesticide Movement in Soil: Comparison of Two Ground Water Basins in California
Author(s): Welling, R.; Troiano, J.; Maykoski, R.; Loughner, G.
Publisher: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: groundwater contamination/ agricultural management/ plant cultural practices/ climatic factors/ core samplers/ sampling/ soil analysis/ moisture content/ organic compounds/ carbon/ particle size/ pesticide residues/ simazine/ bromacil/ diuron/ irrigation systems/ wells/ water quality analysis/ soil water movement/ California/
Date: 1986-08-13
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