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Office of Budget and Performance

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Office of Budget and Performance

Budget & Related Information for FY 2008


Congressional Action on the Budget

Budget Tables -- FY 2008 Congressional Action

President's Budget

FY 2008 Greenbook (7.1 MB PDF)

News Releases

images used on the 2008 exhibit: sage grouse, flooding, hurricane katrina

Budget Tables — FY 2008 President's Budget Request   (Excel document)  (49 KB PDF)

Budget Initiatives — Science for America  (Word document)  (195 KB PDF)

Interior Budget in Brief: complete document (31 MB PDF)

Interior Budget in Brief: USGS section (PDF)

FY 2008 Budget Funding Tables

Related USGS Programs

  • Landsat Project
  • National Geospatial Programs
  • National Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • National Streamflow Information Program
  • National Water Conditions Historical Streamflow
  • National Water-Quality Assessment Program
  • Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
  • Sage Grouse and Sagebrush Management
  • WaterWatch – Current Streamflow Conditions
  • Water Resources
  • (Landsat 7 image, Wyoming Orthorectified)

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    Page Last Modified: Tuesday, August 19, 2008