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 Searched for as a phrase: filtration in "NAL_subject"
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Records 1 thru 15 of 15

[1 - 15]

 01.Title: Ambient Fresh Water and Effluent Sampling Manual
Author(s): British Columbia, Resources Inventory Committee
Publisher: British Columbia, Resources Inventory Committee
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality analysis/ data collection/ sampling/ field experimentation/ methodology/ quality control/ surface water/ lakes/ rivers/ streams/ effluents/ water temperature/ oxygen/ conductivity/ salinity/ pH/ clarity/ oxidation/ reduction/ stream flow/ filtration/ environmental monitoring/ guidelines/ Canada/ British Columbia/
Date: 1998-03-00
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 02.Title: Bacteria and Water Wells
Author(s): American Ground Water Trust
Publisher: American Ground Water Trust
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: groundwater contamination/ wells/ microorganisms/ fecal contamination/ bacterial contamination/ coliform bacteria/ wellhead protection/ testing/ disinfection/ chlorination/ filtration/ iodination/ ultraviolet radiation/ ozonation/ water treatment/ information sources/ public health/
Date: 1997-00-00
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 03.Title: Functions of Riparian Areas for the Protection of Land Containing Shellfish
Author(s): Cohen, R.
Publisher: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: riparian areas/ streams/ rivers/ shellfish/ environmental protection/ wildlife habitats/ ecosystems/ water pollution/ water quality/ environmental indicators/ human health/ economic impact/ filtration/ pollution control/ fisheries/ urban runoff/ septic systems/ sediments/ best management practices/
Date: 1997-06-04
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 04.Title: History of Drinking Water Treatment
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drinking water/ water quality/ water pollution/ contaminants/ water treatment/ public water supply/ filtration/ waterborne diseases/ pathogens/ chlorination/ human health and safety/
Date: 2000-02-00
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 05.Title: Method 1623: Crytosporidium and Giardia in Water by Filtration / IMS / FA
Author(s): Telliard, W.T.
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: Cryptosporidium/ Giardia/ waterborne diseases/ pathogens/ drinking water/ human health and safety/ testing/ analytical methods/ laboratory techniques/ filtration/ immunomagnetic separation/ immunoassay/ microscopy/ laboratory equipment/ quality control/ guidelines/
Date: 2005-11-18
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 06.Title: Out in the Cold: Emergency Water Supply and Sanitation for Cold Regions
Author(s): Buttle, M.; Smith, M.
Publisher: Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water supply/ sanitation/ disease control/ cold zones/ development aid/ climatic factors/ technology/ ice/ snow/ groundwater/ wells/ lakes/ streams/ water quality/ seasonal variation/ pumps/ storage/ tanks/ water treatment/ filtration/ boiling/ disinfection/ water distribution/ wastewater treatment/ human health and safety/ issues and policy/ civil engineering/
Date: 1999-00-00
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 07.Title: Performance of Geotextile Tubes with and without Chemical Amendments to Dewater Dairy Lagoon Solids
Author(s): Worley, J. W.; Bass, T. M.; Vendrell, P. F.
Publisher: North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: geotextiles/ liquid manure/ cattle manure/ waste lagoons/ filtration/ dewatering/ aluminum sulfate/
Date: 2005-02-08
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 08.Title: Riparian Buffers for Agricultural Land
Author(s): USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Station
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: riparian buffers/ agricultural land/ streambank stability/ aquatic habitat/ wildlife habitats/ agricultural runoff/ filtration/ best management practices/
Date: 1997-01-00
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 09.Title: Riparian Forest Buffers: Function for Protection and Enhancement of Water Resources
Author(s): Welsch, D. J.
Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: riparian forests/ water quality/ nonpoint source pollution/ agricultural runoff/ water pollution/ Clean Water Act/ laws and regulations/ pollution control/ nutrient enrichment/ eutrophication/ sediments/ filtration/ nutrient uptake/ forest litter/ biodegradation/ dissolved organic matter/ aquatic organisms/
Date: 1991-00-00
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 10.Title: Riparian Forests as Nutrient Filters in Agricultural Watersheds
Author(s): Lowrance, R.; Todd, R.; Fail, J., Jr.; Hendrickson, O., Jr.; Leonard, R.; Asmussen, L.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: riparian forests/ pollution control/ filtration/ agricultural runoff/ nitrogen/ nutrient offtake/ biogeochemical cycles/ soil water movement/ watershed management/ coastal plains/ Georgia/
Date: 1984-00-00
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 11.Title: Urban Small Sites Best Management Practice Manual
Author(s): Barr Engineering Company
Publisher: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: best management practices/ urban areas/ community development/ watershed management/ pollution control/ runoff/ home gardening/ landscaping/ road construction/ erosion control/ filtration/ constructed wetlands/ drainage basins/ water flow/ water quality standards/ laws and regulations/ guidelines/ Minnesota/
Date: 2001-07-00
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 12.Title: Vegetative Filter Strips for Improved Surface Water Quality
Author(s): Smith, M.
Publisher: Iowa State University
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: filter strips/ conservation buffers/ erosion control/ sediments/ nutrient management/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ filtration/ soil water storage/ infiltration (hydrology)/ conservation practices/ Iowa/
Date: 2000-04-00
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 13.Title: Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Rapid Infiltration for Land Treatment
Author(s): Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: wastewater treatment/ soil/ filtration/ effluents/ groundwater/
Date: 2003-06-00
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 14.Title: Water Quality in the Production of Containerized Longleaf Pine Seedlings
Author(s): Moorhead, D. J.; Ruter, J. M.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: seedling production/ plant cultural practices/ container-grown plants/ water quality/ irrigation water/ salinity/ pesticides/ pH/ testing/ water treatment/ acidification/ osmosis/ chlorination/ filtration/
Date: 2002-02-00
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 15.Title: Water Treatment and Pathogen Control: Process Efficiency in Achieving Safe Drinking Water
Author(s): LeChevallier, M. W.; Au, K.
Publisher: World Health Organization
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water treatment/ drinking water/ pathogens/ filtration/ pretreatment/ coagulation/ flocculation/ disinfection/
Date: 2004-00-00
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