W3CWeb Accessibility initiative

WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

EU Flag Sixth Framework Programme logo

WAI-AGE Project (IST 035015)

Web Accessibility Initiative: Ageing Education and Harmonisation (WAI-AGE)
European Commission Project, 6th Framework, IST 035015

Page Contents


Current Work

Currently WAI-AGE staff are working on a Literature Review and Analysis of Comparative Needs regarding the needs of people who have Web accessibility needs related to ageing:

Overview of the education and outreach deliverables currently being revised and developed:

Task force

A Task Force has been established under the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG).



Some of the following resources are developed through the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG).





WAI-AGE is a European Commission IST Specific Support Action with the goal of increasing accessibility of the Web for the elderly as well as for people with disabilities in European Union Member States.

The project was planned during 2005 and 2006 and officially started in April 2007. W3C/ERCIM is the primary partner. The project runs for 36 months and has 5 main objectives for increasing the accessibility of the Web for those with accessibility needs related to ageing within European Union Member States: