Sea Otter.

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NatureServe works with a wide array of partners to accomplish our goal of providing the scientific basis for effective conservation. As a non-partisan, non-advocacy organization, we use a cooperative and collaborative approach to conservation. NatureServe's focus on connecting science with conservation depends on partnerships across all sectors of society, from scientific research institutions and government agencies to non-profit organizations and private industry. Our partners include:

  • people and organizations involved in exploring, documenting, and understanding species and habitats, such as scientific researchers, universities, and natural history museums.
  • organizations and agencies involved in land conservation and environmental protection, such as conservation groups and regulatory agencies.
  • organizations involved in land management and natural resource management, such as state and federal agencies and corporations.
  • organizations involved in biodiversity information management, such as national and international information clearinghouses and multi-lateral agencies.

You can learn about a number of our key partners in the sections below. This selection is not intended to be exhaustive, but highlights a representative group of NatureServe's current partnerships.

Conservation Organizations


Private Sector

International Agencies

Data Cooperators






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