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Volume 12, Number 2, February 2006

Scrub Typhus, Republic of Palau

Linda J. Demma,* Jennifer H. McQuiston,* William L. Nicholson,* Staci M. Murphy,* Pearl Marumoto,† J. Maireng Sengebau-Kingzio,† Stevenson Kuartei,† A. Mark Durand,‡ and David L. Swerdlow*
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; †Ministry of Health, Koror, Republic of Palau; and ‡Department of Health Services, Colonia, Federated States of Micronesia

Figure 1.
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Figure 1. The Palau Islands. Map courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency, 2004 (available from


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This page last reviewed December 29, 2005

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention