IFT in the News

IFT experts and publications are often quoted in news stories around the world. The articles below reference Food Technology articles, IFT press releases, IFT events, IFT Food Science Communicators or other experts provided via the IFT Media Relations department.

Previously in the news

Standing Committee Stand Down
Bisnow.com, December 1, 2008
Our very own Barbara Byrd Keenan talks to BISNOW about IFT’s new task force strategy.

Marinate Your Meat to Cut Cancer Risk
Woman's Health Magazine, November 20, 2008
A study reported in the Journal of Food Science, HCA levels in steaks dropped by up to 88 percent when the meat was soaked in an herbal bath for an hour before grilling.

Institute of Food Technologists Launches Food Facts
FoodProcessing.com, November 5, 2008
The Institute of Food Technologists recently unveiled Food Facts, a web page aimed at helping consumers prevent foodborne illnesses.

Mushroom Health Benefits are Numerous
StopAgingNow.com, October 29, 2008
Next time you are in the produce aisle, pick up an immune booster—the mushroom.

Caffeine's Surprising Health Benefits
LiveRightLiveWell.com, October 27, 2008
You love it. You crave it. You can’t start your day without it -- your morning cup of coffee or tea, that is.

Innovative Food Packaging Solutions: Recent Innovations in Food Packaging Materials
innovations-report.de, October 23, 2008
Released this month from the Institute of Food Technologists® (IFT) is a Scientific Status Summary (SSS), a peer-reviewed report published in the Journal of Food Science which reviews the current state of innovations in food packaging

Mushrooms: The Underestimated Super Food
NaturalNews.com, Oct 20, 2008
Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years by traditional eastern healers but only recently by western healers in advanced medicine. Mushrooms are often classified as a vegetable or an herb, but they are actually fungi.

Do Food Dyes Affect Kids' Behavior?
Los Angeles Times, October 13, 2008
Studies suggest a link between artificial food coloring and hyperactive behavior in children. Some experts are skeptical. Read what IFT members Roger Clemens and Mark Meskin have to say about this controversial topic.

Fatty Acid in Olive Oil Wards Off Hunger
US News & World Report, October 7, 2008
Read what IFT member Roger Clemens says about this study on a fatty acid found in olive oil and other heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that wards off hunger pangs

Smells OK, but What About Bacteria?
philly.com, October 3, 2008
When it comes to milk you may use the sniff test to tell you whether it's turned sour. Or, maybe you're warned off ground beef that's been in the fridge for a few days by its unpalatable color.

Omega-3 Power Boosts Health
LiveRightLiveWell.com, October 1, 2008
There’s something fishy going on. Omega-3 fatty acids, once found primarily in fatty fish, are being added to all sorts of foods. Here more on this fatty acid from IFT’s Barry Swanson.

Institute of Food Technologists welcomes 2008-2009 President and President-Elect
FoodPrecessing.com, September 18, 2008
Sheri Schellhaass, vice president of research and development for General Mills, officially became the 69th president of the Institute of Food Technologists .

10 Kitchen Hazards
Chow.com, September 17, 2008
While we’re not alarmists, we still think it’s good to be aware of safety in the kitchen beyond “Don’t cut yourself.” After consulting experts and safety recommendations, we’ve put together this list of unexpected kitchen hazards (and some suggestions about how to prevent them).

Prefab Mixes: Buyer, Beware
The Wall Street Journal, September 12, 2008
The core problem with cocktail mixes is that they almost all involve lemon or lime juice, which are notoriously difficult to bottle. Sara Risch, a food chemist and member of the Institute of Food Technologists explained.

Feeding Children’s Behavior
Food Product Design, September 2, 2008
A frenzy is taking place over foods and ingredients that feed into children’s behavioral problems, but it’s nothing new. Since the 1920s, both parents and experts have postulated that food can ramp-up children’s behavior. Today, more research has been added to the pool of evidence that foods and ingredients can, indeed, make a difference.

Healthy Indulgence: A Best of Both Worlds Approach to Eating
Today's Dietitian, September 2008
Consumers are spoiled: They want to eat gourmet, decadent foods without the guilt. Enter the age of enlightened indulgent foods.

Chocolate Lovers Pained by Candy Changes
ABC News, September 2, 2008
More 'Chocolate' Candy Bars Now Include Vegetable Oils Instead of Pricey Cocoa Butter.

Marinades Help Keep Grilled Meat Safe
HealthDay.com, August 22, 2008
Study found they reduce the amount of cancer-causing compounds. You can have your steak and eat it, too, without producing harmful cancer-causing compounds, new research shows.

Getting Satiated at IFT
FoodProcessing.com, August 20, 2008
Satiety seemed to be a big buzz word at this year’s Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting & Food Expo.

Peanuts heart-healthy in new research
Delta Farm Press, August 20, 2008
Agricultural Research Service scientists presented the findings at the Institute of Food Technologists 2008 annual meeting in New Orleans, LA.

Rising food costs cause shrinkage in the grocery cart
The Buffalo News, August 20, 2008
Food companies can’t pass down to consumers all their cost increases, so tinkering with packaging can be an important tool in saving money.

Rising costs force groceries to shrink: Packaging, quantities are smaller
Bnd.com, August 15, 2008
Seemingly mundane packaging modifications can lead to important cost savings for big food companies, as they grapple with soaring commodity and energy costs.

Quick bites: new stuff
Freep.com, August 13, 2008
New research in the Journal of Food Science shows that marinating meats may decrease the cancer-forming compounds produced during grilling.

So sweet: MSU team takes No. 1 in US for cookie
Lansing State Journal, August 13, 2008
Chocolate chip treat is gluten-free.

How to minimize your exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in this grilling season
HealthCastle.com, August 7, 2008
As millions of backyard chefs peer over the grill and ponder whether the meat is done, perhaps they should be wondering if the meat is, in fact, too done. Mounting research suggests a link between eating grilled meats, especially those that are well done, and the risk for some types of cancer, including breast and colorectal.

Marinade your meat to prevent cancer from grilling
KDKA Newsradio 1020, August 7, 2008
There are carcinogens released when you grill meat on your grill, but Shelley Duffy says that you can marinade your meat to help prevent them in this InfoMinute.

Marinades may decrease cancer risk in charred meat
StarTelegram.com, August 6, 2008
Now a new study published in the Journal of Food Science suggests you can have your steak and heat it, too: Marinated meats, University of Kansas researchers found, may decrease those heterocyclic amine (HCA) compounds significantly.

Marinade magic: Turns out there's a way to grill food without the guilt of knowing that you're introducing carcinogens.
Oakland Tribune, August 5, 2008
Marinating meats decreases the cancer-forming compounds produced during grilling by more than 70 percent.

Marinate meat for healthy grilling?
WebMD.com, August 1, 2008
Study shows that store-bought marinades may keep cancer-causing compounds from forming on grilled meats.

Marinating meat may lessen cancer risk
United Press International (UPI) , August 1, 2008
Commercial marinades offer spices and herbs which have anti-oxidants that help decrease the heterocyclic amines formed during grilling

Dr. John Floros discusses nurturing the next generation of food scientists
FoodNavigator.com, July 31, 2008
The number of food science graduates is falling across the globe, but measures are in place to halt the decline. Has disaster been averted? Is the industry’s future assured?

Herbs, spices, marinades and cherries can protect grilled meat and chicken from cancer-causing agents.
seattlepi.com, July 29, 2008
When rosemary extract is added to the surface of a burger before it's tossed onto a hot grill, the cancer-causing compound caused by the high heat is reduced by 70-percent or more.

Rising costs give groceries nip and tuck
Chicago Tribune, July 26, 2008
Companies always put a focus on [cutting packaging costs], but in this environment, they are certainly putting more and more focus

Food companies: Recipes for tough times
BusinessWeek, July 18, 2008
Faced with rising costs and pickier customers, processed foodmakers find ways to boost their products' appeal—and make price hikes stick

IFT Cares project gives something back to New Orleans
NutraIngredients-USA.com, July 11, 2008
How IFT members are helping to fight poverty in and around the food expo's host city of New Orleans.

Live bacteria called to active duty: U.S. military doing clinical trials on probiotics-fortified foods
Medill Reports - Chicago, Northwestern University, July 10, 2008
The number of clinical trials with a variety of strains of probiotics has grown exponentially. And because of that exponential growth we’re beginning to see that food companies and the military are saying perhaps we should examine this and apply this to improve digestive health.

Leveraging innovation awards
NutraIngredients-USA.com, July 8, 2008
The 2008 IFT Food Expo Innovation Awards honour the best of the bunch, with companies able to leverage the prestige to boost their profile.

Our fragmented food safety regulations
The Hill's Congress Blog, July 6, 2008
More federal guidelines about dealing with Listeria at the retail level would be a positive step, but I think this issue just underscores the larger problems we have all been hearing about: We have a fragmented food safety regulatory system that is terribly underfunded and understaffed, said Mark Kantor, Institute of Food Technologists.

'Good' bacteria infused foods for deployed
Military.com, July 3, 2008
With today’s scientific advancements in nutrition, soldiers will soon be plied with candy, cookies and cakes, except these will contain probiotics, the beneficial bacteria already found in the human gut.

Shoppers fed up as containers shrink
Salt Lake Tribune, June 24, 2008
Smaller packages also could be reducing the amount of food consumers throw away, particularly for single or elderly consumers, said Barry Swanson, a member of the Institute of Food Technologists, in an e-mail.

The Dirt on Detox Diets
Reuters, June 12, 2008
Detox programs are generally "based on testimony with a scattering of science and an absence of clinical evidence," said Dr. Roger A. Clemens, a spokesperson for the Institute of Food Technologists.

Enhanced Edibles
Indianapolis Star, June 10, 2008
Known as "functional" or "fortified" foods, these products are becoming common in the grocery aisles. "Supermarket aisles are changing," says Roger Clemens, a spokesman with the Institute of Food Technologists.

Finding the Best Way to Cook All Those Vegetables
New York Times, May 20, 2008
Refers to a study in The Journal of Food Science that looked at the effects of boiling, steaming, microwaving and pressure cooking on the nutrients in broccoli.

Stop and Eat the Roses: Blossoming Trend Finds Flavor in Favor
Pittsburgh Post Gazett, May 8, 2008
Refers to a study published in the May 2006 issue of Journal of Food Science that states rose petal teas are antioxidant rich-beverages.

Flaxseed’s Health Benefits. Frozen Yogurt Farce? And Red Bell ...
KVAL.com 13, May 7, 2008
Refers to a study published in the Journal of Food Science in which red bell peppers compared to orange, yellow and green peppers, were found to have the highest content of antioxidant phenolic compounds.

Back to the Big Easy
FoodProcessing.com, May 2008
This article is about the Institute of Food Technologists' Annual Meeting & Food Expo in New Orleans and our partnership with Second Harvest of Greater New Orleans.

More Food, Fewer Nutrients
ChicagoTribune.com, Julie's Health Club Blog, Feb 26, 2008
While the Institute of Food Technologists acknowledges that "organic fruits and vegetables possess fewer pesticide residues and lower nitrate levels than do conventional fruits and vegetables," it also states in a review that "it is premature to conclude that either food system is superior to the other with respect to safety or nutritional composition."

The Skinny On Sweeteners
abc13.com, January 2008
Recent research published in the Journal of Food Science shows that the more artificial sweeteners we use, the more we crave sweet foods and beverages, which may increase our overall calorie intake and make it more difficult to lose weight.

Apples, Oranges May Fight Alzheimer's
NBC6.net, Jan 31, 2008
A new study in the Journal of Food Science said that common fruits such as apples, bananas and oranges may protect against Alzheimer's disease .

Sweetener Side Effects: Case Histories
WebMD, Jan 10, 2008
IFT spokesperson and Food Science Communicator Roger Clemens explains the side effects of sorbitol from excessive gum chewing.

2007 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo coverage

Tidbits to Savor
Chicago Tribune, September 5, 2007
Chicago Tribune and its Good Eating section re-published for the print magazine content from its July 31 blog referencing the recent IFT Annual Meeting and the Partnership for Food Safety Education, www.fightbac.org, of which IFT is an active member.

We want our food to improve us, reflect who we are
Baltimore Sun, August 19, 2007
Baltimore Sun’s Sunday coverage of the 2007 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo: "The buzz at the recent Institute of Food Technologists conference in Chicago was all about 'nutraceuticals' or what they are calling 'functional foods.' "

Hottest Global Trend: Beauty Drinks, Functional Foods
ABC Los Angeles, August 10, 2007
This segment, as aired duing the 4 p.m. news Friday, August 10, is accessible on the right column of this web page.

The Future of Food 
"Paging Dr. Gupta Blog" on CNN.com, August 7, 2007
In advance of an anticipated cable television feature on food and nutrition this fall, this CNN blog post profiles the 2007 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo.

Recalls give boost to organic foods
CanWest News Service,  August 1, 2007
Food business executives spoke at the IFT Annual Meeting about opportunities for traditional firms in the growing organics market. CanWest is Canada's largest newspaper chain.

 I'll Have the Fish Paste Sushi With the Green Tea Rice
New York Times, July 31, 2007
This article about the IFT Food Expo appeared online and in the Times' August 1 print issue, Business section, page 3.  

1 Daily Soda May Boost Heart Disease
WebMD, July 23, 2007
IFT's Roger Clemens and Paul Lachance comment on research linking diet soda to metabolic syndrome.

Decoding your cravings
Forbes. July 10, 2007
"If you're able to manage a craving, you should win a Nobel Prize," says IFT spokesman Roger A. Clemens in this Forbes article.

Genetic testing could tailor individual diets
The Australian, June 27, 2007
IFT President Dennis Heldman told a conference in Australia that newborn babies would one day be tested to find the food that suits them best.

Globalization In Every Loaf
New York Times, June 16, 2007
Major food companies speak to the issue of global ingredient sourcing, with reference to the IFT/Food Technology Online Buyers Guide as a tool for those seeking suppliers and other resources.

Mystery Meals: Name That Ingredient
Red Eye, Tribune Co. alternative daily in Chicago, June 12, 2007
Clair Hicks gives the food science assessment of common food additives and ingredients that mostly stump the common consumer and give rise to the questions: “What is that?” and “Why is it in my food?”. Circulation over 100,000.

YourCall Radio: Food Safety
KLAW San Francisco, June 11, 2007
IFT spokesman Roger A. Clemens, DrPH, addresses the global food ingredient market and other recent food-safety related issues on the hour-long Your Call program on San Francisco public radio.

A taste of the stew
Tampa Tribune, May 30, 2007
The Tampa Tribune follows Forbes’ lead on distributing Food Technology’s Top 10 Trends.

Don't Believe the Tech:
Enviros choke on trend in pseudo-natural foods aimed at time-starved eco-consumers

NOW Magazine online edition, May 31-June 6, 2007
This article in the latest 100,000-circulation urbanite weekly in Toronto editorializes about the paradox of modern food mimicking classic dishes. References the "Top 10 Food Trends" published in the April 2007 issue of Food Technology.

Firing up the grill? Make it a 'rare' occasion
Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2007
Just in time for Memorial Day, IFT spokesman Roger Clemens gives input about the toxicology of barbequing.

Why Is Corn Syrup In So Many Foods?
wnbc.com, May 25, 2007
IFT spokesperson Roger Clemens speaks on behalf of IFT in this artice, published via the Internet Broadcast news wire. New York's WNBC website is  one of more than 70 such sites that published this item.

How Safe Is The Food Supply?
BusinessWeek, May 21, 2007
Mike Doyle and Ferg Clydesdale were each interviewed by BusinessWeek reporter John Carey for this May 21 article. Doyle’s comments made it through the editorial process and into the article.

Magazine lists Top 10 U.S. Food Trends
forbes.com Health Highlights, May 21, 2007
Food Technology’s annual perspective on consumer food choices grabs Forbes’ attention.These highlights were provided via HealthDay News, which also supplies content to news outlets such as Yahoo!, MSN, and washingtonpost.com.

Soy's new competition: Hemp
Los Angeles Times May 14, 2007
Barry Swanson and Roger Clemens help readers digest the health benefits of hemp seed.