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Scientists involved in the Stagg Field experiment, University of Chicago, that produced the world's first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.

Some Staff Biographies

Robert Fox Bacher

Kenneth Bainbridge

Hans Bethe

George A Cowan

Charles Critchfield

Richard Garwin

Elizabeth Graves

General Leslie R. Groves

Jane Hamilton Hall

Edward F. Hammel

Marshall Holloway

Joseph W Kennedy

George B. Kistiakowsky

John Lansdale

John Manley

JCarson Mark

Nick Metropolis

Philip Morrison

Louis Rosen

Marshall Rosenbluth

Raemer Schreiber

Leo Szilard

Stan Ulam

Alvin Van Vessem

Great science

has been the hallmark of Los Alamos. The staff, a diverse group of outstanding professionals, was integrated into multidisciplinary teams targeted at finding solutions to problems of national importance from the very beginning. We honor both team and individual achievement in creating new concepts and developing technology that serves society.

In 1962, John F. Kennedy told Laboratory employees, "There is no group of people in this country whose record over the last 20 years has been more pre-eminent in the service of their country than all of you here in this small community of New Mexico."

Related Reading

Gamow's Shields
(PDF 906 MB)

Staff Badge Photos

Directors at Los Alamos

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