Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s
24th Annual Symposium, Delray Beach, Florida
May 26th–29th 2009

Call for Abstracts

We invite abstract submissions for contributed oral or poster presentations at the 2009 FLEPPC Annual Symposium. The meeting will be held Tuesday, May 26th through Friday, May 29th in Delray Beach, Florida, at the Marriott Hotel.

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: January 15th 2009

Program Topics: Submissions are welcome for any area of invasive plant species investigation, including but not limited to:

Abstracts must include the following information:

General rules regarding abstracts: Please do not include figures, tables or mathematical equations in the abstract. Use standard abbreviations for units of measure. Other abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out in full at first mention, followed by the abbreviation/acronym in parentheses. If you use references, provide the journal, volume, year and page numbers.


A letter or notification of acceptance or rejection will be emailed to the author(s) no later than February 1st, 2008. Online submission of abstracts is strongly encouraged.

If web access is not available, please submit abstracts to:

LeRoy Rodgers, FLEPPC Program Chair
South Florida Water Management District
3301 Gun Club Road, MS#5650, West Palm Beach, FL 33406
561-682-2773 voice; 561-682-5044 fax