Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society

   P.O. Box 142

   Chester, New Jersey  07930



The Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society announces the availability of scholarship funds designed to encourage and involve exceptional graduate students in the field of Aquatic Plant Management.  Awards may be used as a stipend, for research budget expenses (travel, supplies, etc.), to defer fees, to defray living expenses for summer research, or any combination of these items.


Up to $5000 for support of graduate research to be conducted over a maximum of two to three years. This award may be used to defray the cost of research supplies or as a stipend. Support of a faculty sponsor is required. Awards will be made to the student, to be administered by the faculty sponsor's department.


Applicants should be enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral level research program with a college or university in the northeast region of the United States, with a research focus in the area of Aquatic Plant Management.


Applicants should prepare a 3-5 page research proposal including the following information:

Name and contact information

Title of Research

Research Objectives

Experimental Approach with discussion

Project Budget


The discussion section of the proposal should describe the expected results and their possible significance to Aquatic Plant Management. The student should provide a cover letter in which general academic and career goals are discussed, as well as any experience they may have had through past schooling, work, or internships. A full copy of the student’s undergraduate and graduate (to date) academic transcripts are required (though they may be an unofficial copy from the school).  A letter of support from the student’s faculty advisor is also required.



Any faculty member who is actively engaged in Aquatic Plant Management or Aquatic Plant Ecology research is qualified to be a sponsor. The faculty sponsor should review the research, and provide a letter of support for the student.

The research proposal should be prepared with special attention to the budget; the distribution of funds should be approved by both the student and sponsor. In addition, the sponsor should provide a letter of reference including a statement of his/her willingness to supervise the proposed research and to provide needed space, equipment and supplies above those requested in the proposal.








The completed proposal, academic transcripts, cover letter and faculty letter of support should be forwarded to:  

NEAPMS Scholarship Committee, c/o Amy P. Smagula                        PO Box 142, Chester, New Jersey, 07930,                                                        or via e-mail at

There are no deadlines for application.  Applications that are received by the Scholarship Committee will be held until the next scheduled BOD meeting for review.  NEAPMS will review applications twice annually, once in the September, and once in January, and make awards based on candidate qualifications and funding availability. 

Scholarship recipients will be required to submit a 1-3 page summary of their research status to the Board of Directors of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society once per semester of the agreed upon scholarship timeframe.

Scholarship recipients will also be required to present their findings from their research at an annual meeting of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society, as well as provide the Society with an electronic copy of the Thesis or Dissertation.


Scoring Categories:

Project Approach (45%):  Does the project have a clearly defined goal, with clear ideas of how the applicant plans to achieve that goal and what the end result should be?   Is the proposed project feasible?  Can it be conducted in the specified timeframe?  Do the methods and protocols seem realistic and appropriate? The applicant should show a clear understanding of the issue, and the project should aim to address this issue.  This information will be conveyed in the Project Narrative.  The more organized and structured the project narrative, the more points earned.


Management Approach (15%):  Can the applicant effectively manage the funds and tasks to achieve the proposed results?   Projects should request a reasonable amount of money considering the project scope and goals, and build on other resources such as other grants or the support of other groups.  Applicants should provide rationale for their budgets and how monies will be spent.


Benefit and Anticipated Usefulness to Field of Aquatic Plant Management (30%):  Is the project likely to result in advances in the science of aquatic plant management? 


Originality and Effectiveness (10%):  Does the project exemplify a well thought out and creative approach? The more unique and effective the project, the more points awarded.