TNC listserve

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Global Invasive Species Team listserves

The Nature Conservancy's Global Invasive Species Team maintains an invasive species listserve for people (not just TNC staff) who are working in any aspect of invasive species issues. If you wish to join our invasive species listserve, contact Barry Rice at bamrice(at) Tell Barry the following information, and he'll sign you up:

1)Your name;
2)The state & country you wish to be identified with (i.e. where do you do most of your work?);
3)Are you a TNC employee (not a requirement for participating in the listserve).

Our listserve is moderated to stay relevant. Unrelated or off-topic postings, however interesting, should be sent to the "aliens listserve" maintained by the IUCN (to join that listserve, send the message "subscribe Aliens-l" to listadmin(at)

Listserve archives

Sorted by archive #:
Archive #001
Archive #010
Archive #020
Archive #030
Archive #040
Archive #050
Archive #060
Archive #070
  Archive #080
Archive #090
Archive #100
Archive #110
Archive #120
Archive #130
Archive #140
Archive #150

Sorted by topic index:
All our listserve postings are sorted by topic.
See the topic index

Sorted by species index:
All our listserve postings are sorted by species.
See the species index

EISN listserve
A small listserve that supports our Eastern Invasive Species Network workshop series.
Approaching meetings that are focused on invasive species, or that have "sessions" on invasive species.

Other site resources

Red Alerts!
Species which are either new to an area, or are showing alarming symptoms such as signs of signicant, new expansion.
Invasive species learning networks
Learn about Invasive Species Networks that help promote best practices for invasive species abatement among staff in The Nature Conservancy, partner agencies, and other organizations.

Updated September 2005
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005