Exports and imports of goods and services

This file represents Table 7. Exports and imports of goods and services, 1986, 1996, 2006, and projected 2016, in "The U.S. Economy to 2016: slower growth as boomers begin to retire," published in the November 2007 Monthly Labor Review.

Table 7. Exports and imports of goods and services, 1986, 1996, 2006, and projected 2016
Category Billions of chained 2000 dollars Average annual rate of change
1986 1996 2006 2016 1986-96 1996-2006 2006-16

Exports of goods and services

$353.7 $843.4 $1,304.1 $2,229.7 9.1 % 4.5 % 5.5 %


229.2 581.1 927.4 1,520.7 9.8 % 4.8 % 5.1 %


197.4 532.2 871.1 1,449.9 10.4 % 5.1 % 5.2 %


31.5 47.6 58.1 78.0 4.2 % 2.0 % 3.0 %


128.9 263.5 377.1 708.4 7.4 % 3.6 % 6.5 %


-4.1 0.1 -2.1 -6.5

Imports of goods and services

510.0 923.0 1,928.6 2,912.0 6.1 % 7.6 % 4.2 %


401.8 762.7 1,646.9 2,541.6 6.6 % 8.0 % 4.4 %


347.2 671.9 1,523.3 2,448.0 6.8 % 8.5 % 4.9 %


65.6 101.4 138.2 165.0 4.4 % 3.1 % 1.8 %


110.7 160.5 283.8 379.2 3.8 % 5.9 % 2.9 %


-13.5 -10.8 -16.7 -80.3

Trade surplus/deficit

-156.4 -79.6 -624.5 -682.2

(1) The residual following the detail categories for exports is the difference between the aggregate of "exports of goods and services" and the sum of the figures those separate categories for exports of goods and services.

(2) The residual following the detail categories for imports is the difference between the aggregate of "imports of goods and services" and the sum of the figures those separate categories for imports of goods and services.

Note: Dash indicates data not available.
SOURCE: Historical data, Bureau of Economic Analysis; projected data, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Last Modified Date: December 27, 2007