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Twitter V3.15 Jan 16, 2009 0:05:50 AM

Tell the world what you are up to!

Twitter is a global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: What are you doing?

This widget that lets you post new "tweets", follow your friends and see their replies on Twitter.

Note: Passwords are stored base 64 encoded.

Version history:
2.1 - Switch to jQuery 1.3. Spotify links supported.
2.0 - Search, find tweets from people nearby, hashtag support, lots of bugfixes and some cosmetic issues fixed.
2.0 beta - New look, widget is resizable, one time login and lots of other changes.
1.6 - Ctrl-Enter submits tweet. Better error handling. Bug fixes.
1.5 - Lots of small changes.
1.4 - Password is stored.
1.3 - Active tab is remembered between sessions.
1.2 - Styling changes to better reflect the site.
1.1 - Improved login.
1.0 - Release.

Comments 69 posts

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@HomiSite, yes, direct messaging it is planned and partially implemented. I just have to figure out the UI changes needed, the tab bar is getting crowded.

By hzr, # Jan 17, 2009 1:15:20 AM

Thanks for your ongoing work. It is possible to implement direct message archive?

By HomiSite, # Jan 16, 2009 9:53:32 PM

Awesome Widget!!!

By Megatron X, # Jan 13, 2009 8:29:52 PM

@sjurba, yes, I will consider it. :-)

By hzr, # Jan 10, 2009 1:55:14 AM

Could you consider adding a feature to expand tinyurls etc. Something like this userscript does:

It can be considered a security feature, as you can see what you are clicking on...

That would be sweet!

By sjurba, # Jan 9, 2009 10:35:03 AM

I am running Opera 9.6.3 under Ubuntu Linux 'Feisty', with popups, plugins, cookies, and javascript enabled. When I run this widget, all I get is a blue square, with Twitter, and a close button [X]. Any suggestions?

By Eadwacer, # Dec 19, 2008 6:26:14 AM

I want this to take as minimal space as possible. Is there any way to "dock" this widget to the sidebar of Opera's native browser window (along with the new Tweet count)?

By john010117, # Dec 18, 2008 3:28:20 PM

Yes, it's working fine now, thank you!

By borismoser, # Dec 12, 2008 10:12:08 PM

I think that the twitter widget is great. I would like to be able to show multiple catagories, side by side - install an interface that determines how many catagories that you would like to view, hence, the app would get wider when more catagories are viewed. Thanks. Keep up the great work! Go Opera!

By GarrettChristopherson, # Dec 12, 2008 2:48:44 PM

Ok, the widget should work now in Opera 10.

By hzr, # Dec 11, 2008 0:03:54 AM

@Sokkratez: thanks for the suggestion. The idea has been on the todo list for a while, but the priority isn't high.

@borismoser: yea, it's a bug with Opera 10. We have a fix, hopefully it should be uploaded within days.

@nightchrome: I can not reproduce this. How are you writing the text? Does it count as 0 even if you copy and paste?

By hzr, # Dec 10, 2008 4:17:49 PM

Bug: the character count code does not work when you type non-ascii. This means that a tweet composed of 100% Japanese text counts as 0 characters typed, and thus the "Tweet" button is still inactive.

By nightchrome, # Dec 8, 2008 6:52:07 AM

I can't make it connect to Twitter on Opera 10 Alpha.

By borismoser, # Dec 5, 2008 3:18:02 PM

A feature that I would greatly appreciate is integration with something like tinyurl. I'm more likely to Twitter URLs if I'm using a client where I don't have to leave the client to make it shorter :smile:

I should mention I have not experienced any performance issues in this latest build.

By Sokkratez, # Dec 3, 2008 0:33:52 AM

Hi mechaniccassi. In what way is it slow?

By Opera widgets, # Nov 25, 2008 10:59:27 PM

its nice but its REALLY slow

By mechaniccassi, # Nov 23, 2008 5:03:10 PM

One thing I want to see is support for replying to multple user in a single post

By Indyan, # Nov 18, 2008 6:51:00 AM

By ulker, # Nov 4, 2008 1:22:30 PM

Is there a minimize feature when I can minimize it to the bottom bar, just like TwitterFox?

By john010117, # Nov 2, 2008 2:48:32 PM

I became to twitter some days ago and I'm happy having this Opera widget - it was too unconfortable to have a FireFox and Twitter plugin open just to post to Twitter.

Just one thing. Could you put a "Minimalize" button into top right corner? It would be useful for me. Good job anyway!

By jspetrak, # Oct 12, 2008 0:22:19 AM

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