NatureServe Privacy Policy

NatureServe respects the privacy rights of our online visitors and recognizes the importance of protecting the information we collect about you. This policy statement describes how we collect information from you on NatureServe websites and how we use it. This policy applies to the following websites operated by NatureServe:, NatureServe Explorer, and InfoNatura.

Use of Personal Information

The NatureServe website collects personal information from our online visitors on a voluntary basis only. Personal information collected may include your name, your organization, email address, phone number, address, and specific information about how you found our site and how you might use our materials. Providing personal information is not generally required to access information on this website. We request personal information only when you do the following things:

  • register for email updates
  • submit feedback and comments
  • complete surveys or request to download certain types of data
  • make an online donation via Groundspring

You can correct, update or remove your personal information at any time by contacting our Development Department at 703-908-1841.

Online Donations

When you make a donation to NatureServe using the DonateNow button, collects a variety of personal information about you in order to properly process your donation. This personal information may include: name, address, phone, email address, your credit card information, “acknowledgement” or “in memory of” information, and donation amount. shares this information with NatureServe so that we can enter you into our database of supporters. The complete privacy policy adopted by Groundspring is available here.

Data Collection and Sharing

NatureServe does not sell personal information about our website users or donors. However, we may share or exchange this information (excluding financial information) with like-minded groups in order to advance our conservation mission, or with third parties that offer products or services that we believe may be of interest to you. You have the right to opt out of such information sharing and can do so by contacting our Development Department at 703-908-1841.

We may disclose user information a) if required to do so by law or b) if we have a good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing interference with or injury to (either intentionally or unintentionally) NatureServe’s rights or property, to other website users, or to anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

E-mail Newsletters and Updates

NatureServe periodically sends news updates by email to website users who have provided us with their e-mail address through any of the means above. These updates may also include requests to donate to NatureServe. Recipients may choose to unsubscribe to these e-mails at any time. Information about how to unsubscribe is located at the bottom of each e-mail update.

Website Log Files

Like most website administrators, we use log files that record information such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and page navigation. We gather this information to track website visitor movement in the aggregate, in order to understand how website users are using our service. IP addresses that are recorded do not provide us with personal information about you, and are not linked to personally identifiable information.

Your Acceptance of These Terms

By using this website, you signify your acceptance of the NatureServe privacy policy. Changes to this policy may periodically be posted here. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.

Contacting NatureServe

If you have any questions about this privacy statement or our websites, please contact:

  • Rob Riordan, Director of Marketing and Communications
  • NatureServe
  • 1101 Wilson Boulevard, 15th Floor
  • Arlington, VA 22209
  • 703-908-1800

Policy effective May 19, 2008