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Farm Income

The ERS farm income program measures, forecasts, and explains indicators of economic performance for the U.S. farm sector and for the agricultural sector within states. Policy analysts in the USDA, Congress, public and private sector use the program's analyses and data to form a perspective about the financial health of the U.S. agricultural economy and its participants and to gauge the necessity for and the performance of farm legislation.


U.S. Farm Sector Income Forecast—The U.S. farm income forecast is compiled by components of both the revenue and expense sides of the ledger and presented in the Net value-added accounting framework in order to represents the total value of the farm sector's production of goods and services, less payments to other (nonfarm) sectors of the economy.

State Farm Sector Estimates —This ERS program measures the distribution of farm earnings among the providers of land, labor, capital, and managerial inputs used in production through analyses of sector value-added accounts. Special attention is paid to the contribution of farm operators, landowners, and providers of production contracts.

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