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Related Safety and Health Topics Pages Other Resources
  • Welcome to the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Provides links to the various sections of this regulation and to related documents.
    • Rebuild Healthy Homes - Safe Rehabilitation of Hurricane-Damaged Homes. 8 MB PDF, 57 pages. Describes how to set up cleanup/health safety stations, containment areas, creating a poly-flap seal, what PPE to wear, gutting and tearing out procedures, surface cleaning and treatment, vacuuming surfaces, borate treatment, and a list of supplies and materials is included in the appendix.
 Safety and
 Health Topics
  Surface Contamination
  Hazards and Solutions
  Exposure Evaluation
Content Reviewed 01/27/2004

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Page last updated: 03/31/2008