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Additional Materials
- Faith Campbell1 -
- November 2007 -

Below is a set of useful additional materials and web sites I think have particularly important material.

Ounce of Prevention: How to stop invasive insects and diseases from devastating U.S. Forests
A report describing the many highly damaging forest pests that have been introduced to North America by traveling on imported plants and recommending aggressive regulatory action by USDA APHIS to curtail such introductions in the future. The recommendations in this report have been superceded by the consensus position on the APHIS rulemaking which was developed by members of the Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases (see below).

Strategies for Effective State Early Detection/Rapid Response Programs for Plant Pests and Pathogens
This report, commissioned by the forest health component of The Conservancy's Global Invasive Species Team, examines the laws and regulations of 14 states which have experienced recent invasions by highly damaging forest pests, including the Asian longhorned beetle, emerald ash borer, sudden oak death, laurel wilt, and the Asian gypsy moth. Summary tables allow comparison of the various states' widely varying programs.

Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases
Stakeholders working together to reduce damage caused by non-native forest insects and diseases. Goals include:
  1. Improve federal, state, and provincial programs so as to virtually eliminate new forest pests from arriving on the North American continent (including islands linked politically) by 2015.
  2. Improve detection and eradication so that new non-native forest insects and diseases do not survive on the continent.
  3. Reduce the extent to which significant non-native insects and diseases already present on the continent continue to thrive.
  4. Increase engagement by all key constituencies affected by non-native forest insects and diseases or that play a role in their arrival and establishment.
This webpage contains the Dialogue's Vision statement, Goals, Action Agenda, Meeting Notes, and list of Steering Committee members. Additional areas of the website are open to Dialogue members only. Inquiries should be directed to Faith Campbell at fcampbell(at)

Firewood--buy it where you burn it
Moving firewood can carry a wide range of damaging forest pests into a new area--thus exposing those forests to devastation. Learn the basics about firewood as a vector for forest pests and actions you can take to counter this threat. The Nature Conservancy and the Forest Dialogue of which it is a member are exploring a range of partnerships and outreach strategies to reduce the risk from firewood. Check back later for more on these initiatives! For further information, contact Faith Campbell at fcampbell(at)

Don't Move Firewood web site--An outgrowth of the Dialogue, this innovative web site is an outreach tool to communicate with the general public. It has great videos that are actually funny!

An Undefended Buffet--An excellent and moving article about how redbay ambrosia beetles are spreading laurel wilt disease through the southeastern USA.

Updated July 2008
©The Nature Conservancy, 2004