Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Programs and Services

Note: At their meeting in Toronto on November 16 and 17, 2007, Ministers of Agriculture from federal, provincial and territorial governments agreed to continue existing programs under the current Agriculture Policy Framework (APF) for up to one additional year, starting April 1, 2008. Governments have committed to providing the sector with sufficient notice of any program changes to ensure smooth transition. For more information please visit the Growing Forward web site.

Browse program and service information by the categories below or search alphabetically through our A-Z Index. You can also browse by geographical region. To find out what programs are delivered by your province or territory, please visit the province and territory agriculture Web sites.

Browse By: Subject Region A-Z Index


Program Name Who Can Apply
Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) Individual co-operatives, co-operative associations and federations, community economic development groups, Aboriginal communities, social development groups, and research and learning institutes engaged in co-operative research.

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Expanding your business options

Program Name Who Can Apply
Advancing Canadian Agriculture & Agri-Food Eligible recipients must be legal entities, and may include: individuals; not-for-profit organizations and associations; universities; colleges; cooperatives; marketing boards; aboriginal groups and for-profit companies.
Agri-Food Trade Service Exporters and potential exporters.
Agri-Opportunities Agri-businesses, Not-for profit organizations, Co-operatives, Academic institutions, and Producers.
Benchmarking for Success Public and producers.
Biofuels Opportunities for Producers Initiative The Biofuels Opportunities for Producers Initiative (BOPI) is designed to help farmers and rural communities hire experts who can assist in developing business proposals and undertake feasibility and other studies necessary to create and expand biofuels production capacity involving significant (greater than one-third) ownership by agricultural producers.
Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS) Producers.
Canadian Farm Families Options Program
  • Your gross farm income is more than $50,000;
  • Your family income (yours and your spouse's) is less than $25,000 ($15,000 for individual farmers);
  • You agree to participate in programming to improve your farm family financial situation;
  • You are farming in 2006.

Farm Business Assessment (FBA)

Specialized Business Planning Services (SBPS)

Eligible producers, agricultural cooperatives & corporations.
Farm Debt Mediation Service (FDMS) Insolvent producers and their creditors.
Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (FIMCLA) Canadian producers actively engaged in farming.
Planning and Assessment for Value-added Enterprises (PAVE) Eligible producers, agricultural cooperatives & corporations.
Ruminant Slaughter Loan Loss Reserve Program Canadian producers and agri-businesses through eligible capital providers.

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Making foods that satisfy consumers and markets

Program Name Who Can Apply
Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program (CFSQP) National associations.

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Managing the risk of your business

Program Name Who Can Apply
Advance Payments Program (APP) Canadian producers of eligible agricultural products through producer organizations designated as program administrators.
AgriInvest Individuals, partners in a partnership (except in Quebec), co-operatives, corporations, estates, trusts, limited partnerships (except in Quebec), and landlords in a joint venture are eligible to participate. To be eligible, you must have been engaged in the business of farming and reported sales of eligible commodities for tax purposes.

Status Indians farming on reserves in Canada who do not file a tax return are also eligible to participate in AgriInvest

AgriStability Individuals, co-operatives and corporations can participate in AgriStability.
Circovirus Inoculation Program (CIP) Hog owners or herd managers
Drought Watch All Canadians.
Enhanced Spring Credit Program
  • An organization of producers that is involved in marketing a crop; or
  • Any other organization that the Minister considers is supported by producers and designates as an administrator
Golden Nematode Disaster Program Producers with the cost of potato disposal, extraordinary costs not covered by existing programs and participation costs in renewal programs.
Grains and Oilseeds Payment Program Producers of eligible grains, oilseeds and special crops.
Livestock Drought Assistance Program (LDAP) Producers who owned eligible breeding livestock (breeding males and bred females) in any of northern British Columbia's six drought-designated districts may be eligible for assistance through the LDAP.
Livestock Tax Deferral Plan Producers residing in prescribed drought regions, which are evaluated annually.
Price Pooling Program (PPP) Canadian marketing agencies operating under a cooperative plan.
Private Sector Risk Management Partnerships Program (PSRMP) Canadian national and regional producer groups and associations.
Production Insurance (PI) Canadian producers.
Spring Credit Advance Program (SCAP) Canadian producers of eligible crops through producer organizations designated as program administrators.

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Positioning you for international markets

Program Name Who Can Apply
Agri-Food Trade Service Exporters and potential exporters.
Canadian Agriculture and Food International (CAFI) Organizations and associations in the Canadian agriculture, agri-food, beverage and seafood sectors, and companies working through their associations.

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Protecting the environment

Program Name Who Can Apply
Bio-Products & Bio-Fuels Inquiries Line  People who are interested in obtaining information about bio-products and bio-fuels programs
Community Pasture Program Producers
Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP) Agricultural producers or farm based entities.
ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital Initiative (ecoABC) The ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital Initiative (ecoABC) is a four year, $200 million federal program that provides repayable contributions of up to $25 million per project for the construction or expansion of transportation biofuel production facilities. Funding is provided for projects that use agricultural feedstocks to produce biofuels and that have new agricultural producer equity investments in the projects equal to, at minimum, five percent (5%) of the total eligible project costs. Corporations (including co-operatives), individuals, and partnerships are eligible to apply for ecoABC funding. Eligible applicants cannot be subject to controlling interest by a federal, provincial or municipal government.
Environmental Farm Planning (EFP) Producers and land managers.
Greencover Canada Producers, industry, government, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, incorporated environment groups, and educational institutions.

Minor Use Pesticide Program

The Minor Use Pesticide Program was launched in June 2002 as a joint initiative between AAFC and Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), with a Government of Canada funding commitment of $54.5 million over six years.

Minor Use Research Program The Minor Use Research Program was established to support the activities and objectives of both the Pesticide Risk Reduction Programs and the Minor Use Program.
National Agri-Environmental Health Analysis and Reporting Program Internal to AAFC
National Farm Stewardship Program (NFSP) Producers/Land Managers with eligible environmental farm plans or equivalent agri-environmental plans.
National Land and Water Information Service Producers, industry, other federal departments, provincial ministries and land use managers.
National Water Supply Expansion Program (NWSEP) Canadian producers, agri-businesses, rural communities, and governments.
Pesticide Risk Reduction  The PRR program provides financial support for the implementation of commodity-specific risk reduction strategies. The research community and grower organizations are invited to respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) addressing particular pest management issues.
Prairie Grain Roads Program (PGRP) Municipalities and provincial governments.
Prairie Shelterbelt Program Western Canadian producers, governments, conservation groups, and First Nations.
Shelterbelt Enhancement Program (SEP) Western Canadian Producers, governments, and owners of rural holdings greater than 39 acres, who receive seedlings from the Prairie Shelterbelt Programs.

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Science and Innovation

Program Name Who Can Apply
Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program

Eligible network participants include universities, the private sector, federal government departments and agencies, and other public sector research organizations.

Login to the Grants and Contributions Delivery System (GCDS)
Agri-Innovation Program Cooperatives, commodity groups, agri-businesses, governments, and education institutions.
Broker Program Cooperatives, commodity groups, agri-businesses, governments, and education institutions.

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Services for Rural Canadians

Program Name Who Can Apply
Canadian Rural Information Service Rural clients.
Canadian Rural Partnership Rural residents, local, municipal, provincial or national rural stakeholder organizations and/or associations, community development associations, and/or rural not-for-profit organizations.