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Brownfields 2008 Meeting

Workers wearing protective gear at a Brownfields site.

Brownfields 2008: Roadmap to Revitalization took place May 5-7, 2008 at the Detroit Cobo Center. The conference was the largest, most comprehensive event in the U.S. focused on cleaning up and redeveloping abandoned, underutilized, and potentially contaminated properties. Attendees had access to more than 130 educational and learning opportunities, plenary sessions, 200 exhibitors, scores of networking events, special training sessions, film screenings and book signings.

NIEHS WETP's (Worker Education Training Program)

Involvement in Brownfields 2008

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Brownfields Minority Worker Training Program (BMWTP) participated in seven sessions at Brownfields 2008. Since 1998, the NIEHS, through interagency agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has awarded nearly $3 million annually for training people of color to work safely and successfully in restoring Brownfields sites. The program has trained nearly 3,000 people with an excellent job placement rate of 68 percent. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 12 March 2008