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 Grants by program

Contracts data was last updated on November 31, 2008 for all 24 CFO Act agencies at this time.

Assistance data was last updated on December 23, 2008 for 20 of 24 CFO act agencies. Updates are currently pending for the following agencies: DHS, HHS, NRC and TREAS.

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faads.php Method

Allows access to modified FAADS data on Federal assistance.

Error Codes and Warnings:

Currently there is only one error code associated with the faads method, although an expanded list is planned for future versions. In case of an error no results will be displayed and the error message will be displayed inside the <error> XML element.

Error message Description:
No records found no records were found for the search criteria specified


#Added for program source parameters and duns number
datype (required) must be set to X. If not, output will be HTML instead of XML.
detail Controls which type of output -- which "level of detail" -- you get. Choices are:
-1 Summary
The output XML for this level of detail includes general information such as the totals, Assistance Type, top 5 programs, Top 5 Agencies Providing Assistance, Top 10 Recipients, Top 5 Known Congressional Districts where Recipients are Located etc
HTML Example
XML Example
0 Low (list of recipients)
The output XML for this level of detail includes a list of recipients with recipient name, state and federal funding amounts for each recipient.
HTML Example
XML Example
1Medium (recipient profiles)
The output XML for this level of detail includes a list of the same recipients as for the low level of details but provides significantly more data for each recipient.
HTML Example
XML Example
2High (list of transactions)
The output XML for this level of detail includes a list of individual transactions. As with the low level of detail, there is only a few fields for each transaction (federal funding amount, recipient name, major agency, program, date)
HTML Example
XML Example
3 Extensive (detailed info on each transaction)
The output XML for this level of detail includes a list of the same transactions as for the high level of detail but provides significantly more data for each transaction.
HTML Example
XML Example
4 Complete (all information)
The output XML for this level of detail includes ALL the information available for the given search criteria.
Important: this level of detail outputs a very large XML document that might take a while to download, it is advisable to use a lesser level of detail if possible
HTML Example
XML Example
Defaults to -1 (summary) if not set.
sortby Determines how records are sorted. Valid values are:

r = by contractor or recipient name
f = by dollars of awards (in descending order)
g = by major contracting agency
p = by CFDA Program
d = by date of award
Defaults to sort by dollars if not provided.

max_records Allows you to set the maximum number of records retrieved to fewer than 1000
NOTE: At least one argument of the below search criteria is required in order to produce results
fiscal_year Specifies a single year from 2000-2007.
first_year_range Specifies the first year in a range of years from 2000-2006; if used, must be used with last_year_range and without fiscal_year
last_year_range Specifies the last year in a range of years from 2000-2006; if used, must be used with first_year_range and without fiscal_year
recipient_name The name of a recipient of assistance
recipient_city_name The city in the address of a recipient
recipient_state_code The FIPS state code for the state in the address of a recipient. See here for list.
recipient_zip The ZIP code in the address of a recipient
recipient_county_name The county in which a recipient is located
recipient_cd The Congressional District in which the recipient is located, formatted with four characters. See here for list.
principal_place_state_code The FIPS state code for the state of the place of performance. See here for list.
principal_place_cc The city or county of the place of performance.
agency_code The 4-character code for a specific governmental agency providing assistance. See here for list.
maj_agency_cat The 2-character code for a major governmental agency providing assistance. See here for list.
recip_cat_type The type of recipient. Valid values are:

f = For Profits
g = Government
h = Higher Education
i = Individuals
n = Nonprofits
o = Other

asst_cat_type The type of assistance provided. Valid values are:

d = Direct Payments (both specified and unrestricted)
g = Grants and Cooperative Agreements
i = Insurance
l = Loans (both direct and guaranteed)
o = Other

project_description A free text search on a description of the project.
cfda_program_num An ID for the governmental program. See here for list.
federal_award_id A Federal ID for the award
duns_number The recipient duns number.
progsrc_agen_code The program source agency code.
progsrc_acnt_code The program source account code.
program_source_desc Full text search of program source description.

Example Call


in this example there are 4 arguments submitted to the API method:
1. datatype=X which is the required argument showing that the output will be in XML
2. detail = -1 indicating the desired level of detail (in this case detail=-1 or Summary)
3. recipient_name = Smith and fiscal_year = 2006 is search criteria. As least one search criteria argument must be present.

Example Output

Note that besides the actual data, the XML contains the search criteria submitted to the method.

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <fedspendingSearchResults xml_format_version="0.6" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="faads_summary.xsd">
		  <search_criterion field="Recipient Name" value="Smith"/>
		  <search_criterion field="Federal Fiscal Year" value="2006"/>
		  <search_criterion field="Sort By" value="No sort (summary only)"/>
		  <search_criterion field="Level of Detail" value="Summary"/>
		  <search_criterion field="Type of Report Output" value="XML"/>
  <data compiled_from_government_data_last_released_on="2006-11-01" database="FAADS" description="U.S. Federal grants and other assistance" max_records="1000">
   <record detail="summary" description="summary record for search" database="FAADS">
   <top_known_congressional_districts description="Top congressional districts where recipients are located" ranked_by="total obligated amount in dollars" maximum_shown="5">
  	<congressional_district rank="1" total_obligatedAmount="15482243">Arkansas 2 (Vic Snyder)</congressional_district>
  <top_cfda_programs ranked_by="total obligated amount in dollars" maximum_shown="5">
	<cfda_program rank="1" total_obligatedAmount="20979059">84.268: Federal Direct Student Loans</cfda_program>
  <top_agencies_providing_assistance ranked_by="total obligated amount in dollars" maximum_shown="5">
  	<agency rank="1" total_obligatedAmount="26648200">Small Business Administration</agency>
  <top_recipients ranked_by="total obligated amount in dollars" maximum_shown="10">
 	 <recipient rank="1" total_obligatedAmount="15482243">PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE</recipient>
  <assistance_types description="total Federal obligated dollars for each type of governmental assistance">
  <recipient_types description="total Federal obligated dollars for each type of recipient">