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Work-Related Lung Disease (WoRLD) Surveillance System

Home > Archive: Asthma > Archive: 2002T09-07

Work-Related Asthma: SENSOR

Work-related asthma: Primary occupations associated with work-related asthma cases by state, 1993–1999
Work-related asthma:  Primary occupations associated with work-related asthma cases by state, 1993–1999

- indicates no cases reported.n.e.c. - not elsewhere classifiedCOC - Census Occupation Code

Note:  Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. See appendices for source description and methods.

Source:  Provisional SENSOR surveillance data as of September 2002, aggregated by reporting source years, and reported by R Harrison and J Flattery (California); L Davis, E Pechter, and B Pazos (Massachusetts); K Rosenman, MJ Reilly, and D Kalinowski (Michigan); and D Valiante and D Schill (New Jersey).


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Page last modified: June 23, 2008
Page last reviewed: June 23, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)