Midwest Region


Midwest FWS Blog

Midwest on YouTube

Media Contacts

Jason Holm, Assistant Regional Director
Chuck Traxler, Outreach Coordinator
Georgia Parham, Outreach Coordinator
Ashley Spratt, Outreach Coordinator
Ryan Aylesworth, Legislative Affairs
John Leonard, Native American Liaison
Valerie Redmond, Writer/Editor
Larry Dean, Regional Web Manager

Fish and Wildlife Journal

About the Midwest Region

Wildlife and Habitat

Conservation Planning
Endangered Species
Law Enforcement
Mapping and GIS
National Wildlife Refuge System
Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration

Get Involved

Buy Duck Stamps
Conservation Library
For Kids
Hunting and Fishing

Contact Us

Phone: 612-713-5360
Address: BHW Federal Building
One Federal Drive
Fort Snelling, MN 55111-4056

News Releases

News releases issued from the Midwest Regional Office (Region 3) are now being delivered via an automated fax/email system. If you would like to receive our news releases, please send us an email with your name, email address or fax number.

Regional Newsletter

Clickable icon of Inside R3 coverInside Region 3 is a new quarterly newsletter that highlights the activities and people of the Service's Midwest Region. The Region includes offices in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.

The Fish & Wildlife Journal

FWS Journal header

Looking for "soft news," story ideas or information about Fish and Wildlife Service activities and accomplishments in the field? Try the Fish & Wildlife Journal website. The Fish & Wildlife Journal includes an online searchable database that contains hundreds of employee-written summaries of field activities and other accomplishments.

Media Contacts

Jason Holm, Assistant Regional Director

Chuck Traxler, Outreach Coordinator

Georgia Parham, Outreach Coordinator

Ashley Spratt, Outreach Coordinator

Ryan Aylesworth, Legislative Affairs

John Leonard, Native American Liaison

Valerie Redmond, Writer/Editor

Larry Dean, Regional Web Manager

| Media Contacts | Reporter Tip Sheet | Just Escape |
| Accomplishment Reporting | Inside Region 3 |
|Image Library |
| National News| Federal Register | Congressional Affairs |

Top Stories:


Form Object


Click Playlist on the video player above to see the latest video news clips
and programs from around the Midwest Region. Or click the links below
to see additional news coverage of FWS activities from around the Midwest

Other FWS News coverage:

Federal Duck Stamp Contest Story -- 9 MB Windows Media Player format (courtesy of Ron Schara)

Get Outdoors PSA featuring Secretary Kempthorne and the Jonas Brothers

Crews Search Illinois River for Invasive Fish (ABC Chicago site)

Locals Unhappy About Closed Road for Endangered Bird (KFVS Channel 12 Chicago)

Media Tip Sheets

Regional Tip Sheet

National Tip Sheet

Current News Releases

The Midwest Region's news releases are organized in reverse chronological order starting with the current month. A brief synopsis of each release is included here. Click on the news release title for a full text version. For news releases issued prior to those available here, visit the national website and use the searchable database to obtain the Region's archived releases through 1991.

January 14, 2009

Service Removes Western Great Lakes, Portion of Northern Rocky
Mountain Gray Wolf Populations from Endangered Species List

Wolves in Wyoming to Remain Protected by Endangered Species Act

January 13, 2009

Calling all Young Artists for Wisconsin Junior Duck Stamp Contest

January 13, 2009

Federal Wildlife Investigation Leads to
Felony Conviction of Two Minnesota Women

January 6, 2009

Minnesota Jr. Duck Calling all Young Artists

December 17, 2008

Calling all Young Artists for Michigan Junior Duck Stamp Contest

December 17, 2008

Service Announces Grant to Protect Coastal Wetlands
and Endangered Dragonfly Habitat in Wisconsin

December 16, 2008

Habitat and Population Evaluation Team in Fergus Falls
Honored with First Rachel Carson Award for Scientific Excellence

December 9, 2008

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Extends Deadline for
Finding on Petition to List Coaster Brook Trout as Endangered

December 8, 2008

Restored Prairie and Wetlands Added
to Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge

Last updated: January 15, 2009