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Natural Heritage Methodology Training

What is Natural Heritage Methodology Training?
Natural Heritage Methodology Training (NHMT) is your opportunity to learn the fundamentals of all aspects of natural heritage methodology – from data collection to data management and data use.  It also provides a foundation for understanding the different roles and functions of natural heritage programs and to understand how your work fits into the larger picture. You’ll have instructors from NatureServe and from the network of natural heritage programs. You’ll get to know people from other programs and learn from one another.  And you’ll form lasting relationships that you can draw on for consultation and renew at future regional and national conferences and workshops.
When: Next session is yet to be scheduled. Check back soon!

Where: Primary site:
The Nature Conservancy
4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Conference Room 1B - lobby level
Arlington, VA 22203

Secondary site:
1101 Wilson Blvd. 15th floor
Arlington, VA 22209

Natural Heritage Methodology Training (NHMT) teaches the fundamentals of all aspects of natural heritage methodology – from data collection to data management and data use.  NHMT is recommended for all employees of NatureServe member programs, especially within their first year of employment, and is also open to partner organizations that work closely with natural heritage data.

The training runs four full days from 8:45 am – 5:00 pm, in Arlington, VA, and includes an “insider’s” field trip to the Smithsonian. 

Registration Fees:
NatureServe Member or Staff: $500

NatureServe Leadership Level: $400
(second through fourth registrants only)
Non-members: $800

Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations received on or before the deadline will be assessed a $50 handling fee. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable.

For more information: Please contact Judy Soule for more information about topics and Pat Leighty for more information on logistics.

Who should attend?
This training is recommended for all employees of natural heritage programs and conservation data centres. Partners from other agencies and organizations who work closely with natural heritage data and methodology may also benefit greatly from this training and are welcome to attend. It is especially beneficial for people who have been employed from 6 months to 1 year, but it’s never too late! More experienced employees will have opportunities to share their knowledge as well as learn about new methodologies and how things are done in other programs. Classes will include in-class exercises and discussion time.

When is it?
The training runs four full days – next dates to be determined – from 8:45am – 5:00 pm, and includes an “insider’s” field trip to the Smithsonian. No formal classes are scheduled for Day 5, but if you have a particular interest in working with or meeting with staff, please let us know and we’ll try to help you arrange it. 

What will it cover?
The curriculum will include:
Day 1: Element Methodology – species and ecological data
Day 2: Element Occurrence Methodology (includes introduction to Biotics)
Day 3: Viability and Integrity (Element Occurrence Ranking) Methodology; Future Directions in Conservation Biology – a discussion with NatureServe’s president; and a special tour of the Smithsonian.
Day 4: Electives including: In-depth topics in Ecology, Botany, Zoology, and Data Management, Element Distribution Modeling, Handling Sensitive Data, and data applications such as Environmental Review & Conservation Planning.

Hands-On Biotics training will not be offered in conjunction with Natural Heritage Methodology Training as there is inadequate time to fully cover the material. Basic Biotics training is offered via recorded sessions, which includes 3 sessions (6 hours) of Mapper training and 3 sessions (7 hours) of Tracker training. This allows the trainee to participate in the training on their own time schedule, jump to more advanced sessions of the training, and review the material as often as needed. The recorded training sessions will be available on the Biotics training Web site. Any questions that arise as a result of the training should be submitted to the Biotics Help Desk.


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