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Released: Mar 21 2006EU-25  | BSE/TSE situation in the EU-25 - update on 2005  
E36049 Highlight: European BSE cases further decreased by 40 percent to about 500 cases in 2005. This favorable development led the EC to adopt its TSE Roadmap in July of 2005, with the aim of softening restrictions and reduce BSE/TSE testing costs. One of the goals is to harmonize the EU BSE classification of countries with OIE classification. With the UK number of BSE cases having decreased dramatically over the past years, the OTMS was ended in November 2005 and the lifting of EU ban on British cattle and beef exports was approved in March 2006. After the finding of BSE in a French goat last year, suspicion of BSE in three sheep will lead to a significant increase in testing of sheep for TSE's in the coming six months. View the Acrobat version | View/Download the MS Word version
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