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Environment Spotlight

• Drinking-Water Well Screenings Information and Events Schedule
Drinking-Water Well Screenings Information and Events Schedule


• FY 2006 Right to Farm Annual Report PDF icon

• FY 2007 Right to Farm Annual Report PDF icon

Anaerobic Digesters
Click here for: This website provides reference to basic information on anaerobic digesters, their Michigan regulatory requirements, as well as available funding opportunities and additional resources.
Click here for: Education and technical assistance to those individuals affected by the land application of biosolids.
Conservation District Information
Click here for: Conservation District Information
Click here for: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Click here for: Supporting environmental education to high school students and their advisors throughout the state of Michigan.
Farmland Preservation
Click here for: Farmland Preservation
Forestry Assistance Program
Click here for: Forestry Assistance Program
Click here for: GAAMPs: Generally Accepted Agricultural Management Practices
Groundwater Stewardship Program
Click here for: Groundwater Stewardship Program
Click here for: Michigan's Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP)
Pollution Prevention
Click here for: Pollution Prevention
Right to Farm
Click here for: The Michigan Right to Farm Act, P.A. 93, was enacted in 1981 to provide farmers with protection from nuisance lawsuits. This state statute authorizes the Michigan Commission of Agriculture to develop and adopt Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs) for farms and farm operations in Michigan.
Water Use Reporting
Click here for: Water Use Reporting
Wildlife Preservation
Click here for: Wildlife Preservation

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 •  Emerald Ash Borer
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 •  Bringing Animals into Michigan
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