Education Overview

student assessing stream with instrumentDegree programs and continuing education are critical to develop and enhance human resources to address water quality issues. Some undergraduate and graduate programs at Land Grant Colleges and Universities pertaining to drinking water issues include:

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering external link Landscape Architecture external link
Civil Engineering external link Natural Resources Science external link
Entomology external link Plant Sciences external link
Environmental Engineering external link Public Health external link
Environmental Science external link Resource Economics external link
Forest Resources external link Resources Management external link
Geographic Sciences external link Soil and Water Science external link
Geological Sciences external link  



professor with students standing on lawn

Faculty at Land Grant Universities often incorporate their research and Extension activities into the classroom. For instance, Plant Science Department professors at the University of Rhode Island collaborate with the Healthy Landscapes external link Program, a CSREES-funded Extension Education project. Students learn about pollution prevention best management practices to protect drinking water and assist in the development of demonstration sites.

Online Resources

Directory of land-grant universities that are state partners of CSREES external link