PET Imaging Laboratory

PET researchers Bud Jane (left) and Gene-Jack Wang.

The PET Program is a core element of the Center for Translational Neuroimaging. PET imaging is supported by a modern infrastructure including an expanded PET Imaging Laboratory, modern radiotracer chemistry laboratories with five hot cells and a new EBCO TR19 cyclotron as well as laboratories and instrumentation for cold synthesis within the Brookhaven Chemistry Department. The Program provides complete technical and medical support for carrying out routine quantitative clinical PET studies including radiotracer preparation and quality control, input function measurement, protein binding measurements and plasma metabolite assays, kinetic modeling and physician and nursing oversight and care through the GCRC.

The PET Imaging Laboratory has two Siemens HR+ scanners, a Concorde MicroPET R4 rodent scanner, and a Zymark Laboratory Robot for plasma radiotracer analysis. Once commissioned, the ratCAP (rat Conscious Animal PET), will be added as a new imaging modality to probe the relationship between brain chemistry and behavior.

The Program also supports preclinical PET studies using the same imaging and analytical resources. Translation of the fruits of basic research such as new radiotracers, radiotracer methodologies and instruments to clinical research in humans is a key goal of the Center along with the integration of PET with other imaging modalities such as MRI, microMRI, optical imaging and neuropsychoimaging.



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Last Modified: January 31, 2008