Speeches and Statements

Untitled Document October 3, 2008: The Passage of the Bailout
September 29, 2008: The Bailout
September 24, 2008: Price Controls and Depression
September 24, 2008: The Economic Outlook
September 10, 2008: Statement on Sovereign Wealth Funds
August 1, 2008: Statement on HR 6599, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs
August 1, 2008: Statement on HR 4137 Higher Education Opportunity Act
July 30, 2008: Statement on H Res 1370, regarding China
July 30, 2008: Statement on HR 6445, on Veterans Healthcare
July 24, 2008: Statement on Oil and the Dollar
July 24, 2008: Statement on HIV/AIDS Bill
July 24, 2008: Statement on Housing Bill
July 16, 2008: Statement on Humphrey Hawkins Hearings
July 15, 2008: Statement on H Con Res 385
July 9, 2008: Statement: Something Big is Happening
July 8, 2008: Statement Introducing the Energy Efficient and ...
June 20, 2008: Statement on FISA
May 22, 2008: Congratulations to the Jaguars
May 20, 2008: March to War in Lebanon?
April 15, 2008: Tribute to Bernie Baltic
April 10, 2008: Statement on Earmark Reform
April 9, 2008: Opening Statement, Petraeus and Crocker Testimony
April 9, 2008: Comments on Hearing, Petraeus and Crocker Testimony
April 2, 2008: Statement Before the Financial Services Committee, On UIGEA
April 2, 2008: Statement Before the JEC, On Regulation
April 1, 2008: Statement on Alexander Litvinenko’s murder
April 1, 2008: Statement on Expanding NATO
March 14, 2008: Statement on FISA Amendments
March 13, 2008: Living By The Sword
March 11, 2008: Statement on Coinage
March 5, 2008: Opening Statement Before Financial Services Committee
March 5, 2008: Statement on Gaza Bill
February 27, 2008: Statement Before Financial Services Committee
February 26, 2008: Statement Before Financial Services Committee
February 13, 2008: Statement on Competing Currencies
January 30, 2008: Statement on the Protect America Act
January 29, 2008: Statement on the Economic Stimulus Bill
December 18, 2007: Statement Introducing the Cancer and Terminal Illness Patient Health Care Act
December 13, 2007: Statement Introducing the Free Competition in Currency Act
December 5, 2007: Statement on the Property Tax Deduction for All Act
December 5, 2007: Remarks on Violent Radicalization & Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
November 9, 2007: Statement Introducing the Make No Cents...
November 8, 2007: Statement Before the Joint Economic Committee
November 6, 2007: Introducing a Bill to Allow Interstate Shipment of Unpasteurized Milk
October 17, 2007: Statement Before the House Financial Services Committee
October 15, 2007: Statement Introducing the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007
October 2, 2007: Statement on Burma, H Con Res 200
September 26, 2007: Statement on the Tax Free Tips Act
September 20, 2007: Statement Before the Financial Services Committee
September 4, 2007: Statement in Opposition to H.Res 552
August 2, 2007: Statement on HR 3159 Ensuring Military Readiness through Stability...
August 2, 2007: Statement on the Quality Health Care Coalition Act
August 2, 2007: Statement on the Treat Physicians Fairly Act
August 2, 2007: Statement on Freedom from Unnecessary Litigation Act
August 2, 2007: Statement on the Comprehensive Health Care Act
August 1, 2007: Statement on Introduction of the Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act
August 1, 2007: Statement on Police Security Protection Act
August 1, 2007: Statement on Public Safety Tax Cut Act
July 30, 2007: Statement on Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act
July 17, 2007: Statement in the Humphrey Hawkins Prequel Hearing
July 12, 2007: Statement on HR 2956, the Responsible Redeployment From Iraq
June 20, 2007: Opening Statement Committee on Financial Services Paulson Hearing
June 20, 2007: Statement on H Con Res 21
June 17, 2007: Opening Statement Committee on Financial Services
June 13, 2007: Statement on NICS Improvement Amendments Act
June 7, 2007: Statement on Establishing a Sunset for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq...
June 6, 2007: In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)
May 22, 2007: Opening Statement Committee on Financial Services World Bank Hearing
May 18, 2007: Statement on Immigration Agreement
May 9, 2007: Statement on Chinese Currency
May 2, 2007: Introducing the Health Freedom Protection Act
April 17, 2007: We Just Marched In (So We Can Just March Out)
March 20, 2007: The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill
March 7, 2007 : The Walter Reed Scandal
February 15, 2007 : Statement for Hearing on "Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy"
February 14, 2007 : Statement on the Iraq War Resolution
February 6, 2007 : Don't Do It, Mr. President
January 18, 2007 : Everybody Supports the Troops
January 11, 2007 : Escalation is Hardly the Answer
January 5, 2007 : 3000 American Deaths in Iraq
September 7, 2006 : Political Solutions Don't Work/ The Law of Opposites
June 29, 2006 : Why Are Americans So Angry?
June 20, 2006 : Dialogue is Key to Dealing with Iran
May 2, 2006 : What Congress Can Do About Soaring Gas Prices
April 25, 2006 : What the Price of Gold is Telling Us
April 5, 2006 : Iran: The Next Neocon Target
March 30, 2006 : A Tribute to the Late Harry Browne
March 29, 2006 : Statement on the "Academic Bill of Rights"
March 28, 2006 : Making the World Safe for Christianity
March 3, 2006 : Statement on the "Sunlight Rule"
February 15, 2006 : The End of Dollar Hegemony
February 1, 2006 : Statement on H.Res. 648
January 18, 2006 : Searching for a New Direction
December 7, 2005 : The Blame Game
November 18, 2005 : Statement on the So-Called "Deficit Reduction Act"
November 16, 2005 : Congress Erodes Privacy
November 10, 2005 : Free Speech and Dietary Supplements
November 2, 2005 : Big Lies and Little Lies
October 26, 2005 : We Have Been Warned
October 7, 2005 : Staying or Leaving
September 15, 2005 : The Coming Category 5 Financial Hurricane
September 8, 2005 : Why We Fight
July 26, 2005 : Don't Start a Trade War with China
July 21, 2005 : Don't Reauthorize the Patriot Act
July 20, 2005 : The Republican Congress Wastes Billions Overseas
July 14, 2005 : Suicide Terrorism
July 11, 2005 : Henry Lamb Documents the Codex Threat to Health Freedom
June 22, 2005 : Statement on the Flag Burning Amendment
June 22, 2005 : Introduction of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act
June 21, 2005 : Rebutting the Critics of the Iraq Withdrawal Resolution
June 21, 2005 : Celebrating Juneteenth
June 14, 2005 : The Hidden Cost of War
May 24, 2005 : No Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research
May 4, 2005 : Reject Taxpayer Bank Bailouts
May 4, 2005 : Republicans Should Not Support a UN Court
April 14, 2005 : Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley!
April 6, 2005 : Honoring Pope John Paul II- A Consistent Pro-Life Figure
April 6, 2005 : Who's Better Off?
April 6, 2005 : Hypocrisy and the Ordeal of Terri Schiavo
March 14, 2005 : Reject the Latest Foreign Welfare Scheme
February 9, 2005 : HR 418- A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform
January 26, 2005 : What If (It was all a Big Mistake)?
January 6, 2005 : Government IDs and Identity Theft
December 7, 2004 : U.S. Hypocrisy in Ukraine
November 20, 2004 : Where To From Here?
November 19, 2004 : Stay out of Sudan's Civil War
November 18, 2004 : Raising the Debt Limit: A Disgrace
November 17, 2004 : Honoring Phil Crane
October 8, 2004 : The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy, More Intervention, Less Freedom
October 6, 2004 : No Mandatory Mental Health Screening for Kids
October 5, 2004 : Reject Draft Slavery
October 5, 2004 : Reject a National Prescription Database
October 4, 2004 : The Failed DC Gun Ban
September 30, 2004 : Cultural Conservatives Lose if Gay Marriage is Federalized
September 23, 2004 : Federal Courts and the Pledge of Allegiance
July 23, 2004 : Hands Off Sudan!
July 22, 2004 : Protecting Marriage from Judicial Tyranny
July 15, 2004 : End the Two-Party Monopoly!
July 8, 2004 : Government Spending- A Tax on the Middle Class
June 25, 2004 : Praising Private Space Exploration
June 24, 2004 : A Token Attempt to Reduce Government Spending
June 23, 2004 : Spending Billions on our Failed Intelligence Agencies
June 3, 2004 : The Same Old Failed Policies in Iraq
June 2, 2004 : The House of Representatives Must be Elected!
May 19, 2004 : Reject the Millennium Challenge Act
May 6, 2004 : Don't Start a War with Iran!
May 6, 2004 : Statement on the Abuse of Prisoners in Iraq
April 22, 2004 : The Lessons of 9/11
March 30, 2004 : Don't Expand NATO!
March 25, 2004 : Oppose the Spendthrift 2005 Federal Budget Resolution
March 22, 2004 : Don't Let the FDA Block Access to Needed Health...
March 17, 2004 : Oppose a Flawed Policy of Preemptive War
March 10, 2004 : An Indecent Attack on the First Amendment
February 26, 2004 : The Financial Services Committee's "Views...
February 12, 2004 : Rush Limbaugh and the Sick Federal War on Pain Relief
February 11, 2004 : A Wise Consistency
February 4, 2004 : Congress Abandoned its Duty to Debate and Declare War
December 8, 2003 : Whose Peace?
November 21, 2003 : Conscription- The Terrible Price of War
October 17, 2003 : Borrowing Billions to Fund a Failed Policy in Iraq
October 16, 2003 : Statement Opposing Trade Sanctions against Syria
September 30, 2003 : Are Vouchers the Solution for Our Failing Public Schools?
September 18, 2003 : Reject UN Gun Control!
September 16, 2003 : We Cannot Afford Another $87 Billion in Iraq
September 10, 2003 : Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Subsidies Distort the...
September 9, 2003 : Statement Opposing the Continuity in Government...
September 5, 2003 : Paper Money and Tyranny
July 25, 2003 : Stop Subsidizing Foreign Shrimpers
July 25, 2003 : Bring Back Honest Money
July 24, 2003 : Reimportation of Prescription Drugs
July 23, 2003 : Stay out of Liberia!
July 21, 2003 : The Justifications for War
July 10, 2003 : Neo-CONNED!
June 30, 2003 : The "Continuity of Government" Proposal- A Dangerous and...
June 25, 2003 : Does Tony Blair Deserve a Congressional Medal?
June 4, 2003 : Let's Keep All Representatives Elected
June 4, 2003 : Pro-Life Action Must Originate from Principle
June 4, 2003 : The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
June 3, 2003 : The Flag Burning Debate
May 7, 2003 : The Agriculture Education Freedom Act
May 6, 2003 : The False Tax Cut Debate
April 29, 2003 : American National Sovereignty vs. UN "International Law...
April 16, 2003 : Repeal the So-Called "Medical Privacy Rule"
April 2, 2003 : The First Amendment Protects Religious Speech
April 2, 2003 : No Federal Funding for Abortion!
April 1, 2003 : Don't Antagonize our Trading Partners
March 27, 2003 : HMOs and Federal Health Care Regulations vs. Freedom of Contract
March 27, 2003 : Comprehensive Health Care Reform without Socialized Medicine
March 27, 2003 : "Negative Outcomes" Insurance- A Free-Market Approach...
March 4, 2003 : The Myth of War Prosperity
February 28, 2003 : The Financial Services Committee's Terrible...
February 26, 2003 : Another United Nations War?
February 13, 2003 : Oppose the Federal Welfare State
February 13, 2003 : Support Medical Savings Accounts for Medicare
February 11, 2003 : Prescription Drug Affordability Act
February 11, 2003 : Education Improvement Tax Cut Act
February 11, 2003 : The Family Education Freedom Act
February 11, 2003 : The Teacher Tax Cut Act
January 30, 2003 : The Terror Immigration Elimination Act
January 30, 2003 : Stop Taxing Social Security
January 30, 2003 : End the Income Tax- Pass the Liberty Amendment
January 30, 2003 : Abolish Selective Service
January 30, 2003 : Social Security for American Citizens Only!
January 29, 2003 :Sorry Mr. Franklin, We're All Democrats Now
January 9, 2003 : Restoring the Second Amendment
January 8, 2003 : Introduction of the Social Security Preservation Act
January 8, 2003 : Say NO to UNESCO
January 7, 2003 : Stop Identity Theft- Make Social Security Numbers Confidential
December 20, 2002 : Important Questions Concerning the Administration's...
November 14, 2002 : You Are a Suspect
November 14, 2002 : Unintended Consequences
November 13, 2002 : Oppose the New Homeland Security Bureaucracy!
October 8, 2002 : The Shrimp Importation Financing Fairness Act
October 8, 2002 : Statement Opposing the Use of Military Force against Iraq
October 3, 2002 : Is Congress Relevant with Regards to War?
October 2, 2002 : The Television Consumer Freedom Act
September 26, 2002 : Statement on Medical Malpractice Legislation
September 24, 2002 : Can We Afford this War?
September 18, 2002 : War is a Political Mistake
September 10, 2002 : Abolish the Federal Reserve
September 10, 2002 : Questions that Won't be Asked about Iraq
September 5, 2002 : A Foreign Policy for Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty
September 4, 2002 : Arguments Against War in Iraq
July 26, 2002 : Comments on HR 5095, Legislation Repealing the FSC/ETI Tax Rules
July 26, 2002 : Statement on Homeland Security Vote
July 24, 2002 : Statement on Expulsion of Congressman Jim Traficant
July 24, 2002 : The Tragedy of Partial-Birth Abortion
July 23, 2002 : Department of Homeland Security- Who Needs It?
July 17, 2002 : Hard Questions for Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan
July 16, 2002 : Government Mortgage Schemes Distort the Housing Market
July 9, 2002 : Has Capitalism Failed?
June 28, 2002 : Unintended Consequences of the Drug War
June 27, 2002 : Is America a Police State?
June 25, 2002 : Introduction of the Police Security Protection Act
June 25, 2002 : Introduction of the Public Safety Tax Cut Act
June 24, 2002 : Inspection or Invasion in Iraq?
June 13, 2002 : Restoring First Amendment Protections of Religion...
June 12, 2002 : Bad Tax Policy Sends Companies Overseas
June 12, 2002 : Affordability of Child Health Care
June 5, 2002 : Export-Import Bank is Corporate Welfare
June 5, 2002 : Gold and the Dollar
May 31, 2002 : An Open Letter to O'Neill and Greenspan
May 24, 2002 : Oppose the "Supplemental" Spending Bill
May 23, 2002 : Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Clute, Texas
May 23, 2002 : No More Taxpayer Funding for the Failed Drug War in Colombia
May 22, 2002 : Don't Expand Federal Deposit Insurance
May 22, 2002 : Stop Taxing Social Security Benefits!
May 21, 2002 : Statement on New Internet Regulations and Expanded...
May 21, 2002 : Don't Force Taxpayers to Fund Nation-Building in Afghanistan
May 16, 2002 : Stop Perpetuating the Welfare State
May 14, 2002 : No Forced Dress Code for U.S. Soldiers Abroad
May 9, 2002 : We Want No Part of the ICC: Commending President Bush
May 9, 2002 : Not One American Tax Dollar to the ICC
May 9, 2002 : Say No to Conscription
May 2, 2002 : Statement In Support of a Balanced Approach to the Middle...
May 1, 2002 : Statement Opposing Export-Import Bank Corporate Welfare
May 1, 2002 : Statement Opposing Export-Import Bank Subsidies
May 1, 2002 : Statement Opposing Taxpayer Funding of Multinational...
April 11, 2002 : Statement on the "American Service Member and Civilian...
April 10, 2002 : America's Entangling Alliances in the Middle East
March 20, 2002 : Statement Opposing Military Conscription
March 20, 2002 : Why Initiate War on Iraq?
March 20, 2002 : Stop Meddling in Ukraine
March 13, 2002 : Steel Tariffs are Taxes on American Consumers
March 6, 2002 : Statement on Wasteful Foreign Aid Spending in Colombia
February 28, 2002 : Statement on the International Criminal Court
February 28, 2002 : Statement on the Financial Services committee's "Views and...
February 27, 2002 : Statement on the "Health Information Independence...
February 27, 2002 : Statement on Ending US Membership in the IMF
February 26, 2002 : Before We Bomb Iraq...
February 14, 2002 : Introduction of the "Monetary Freedom and...
February 13, 2002 : Why "Campaign Finance Reform" is Unconstitutional
February 7, 2002 : Economic Concerns, the Dangers Ahead, and Optimism...
February 6, 2002 : Statement on the Role of the Export-Import Bank in the...
February 4, 2002 : Statement before the House Capital Markets...
January 24, 2002 : The Case for Defending America
December 19, 2001 : Statement in Opposition to House Resolution on Iraq
December 13, 2001 : Introduction of the "Human Cloning Prevention...
December 6, 2001 : Statement Opposing Unconstitutional "Trade...
December 5, 2001 : Ongoing Violence in Israel and Palestine
December 4, 2001 : Let Privateers Troll for Bin Laden
November 30, 2001 : Statement on Terrorism Reinsurance Legislation
November 29, 2001 : Keep Your Eye on the Target
November 16, 2001 : Statement in Opposition to National ID Card Proposals
November 8, 2001 : Statement on Preventing Identity Theft by...
November 7, 2001 : Expansion of NATO is a Bad Idea
November 1, 2001 : Statement on Airline Security Legislation
October 31, 2001 : Foolishness of Fiat
October 31, 2001 : Statement on Funding for the Export-Import Bank
October 25, 2001 : A Sad State of Affairs
October 17, 2001 : Statement on International Relations committee testimony...
October 17, 2001 : Statement on HR 3004 before the House of Representatives
October 12, 2001 : Statement on Counter-Terrorism Proposals and...
October 11, 2001 : Statement on HR 3004 before the House Financial...
October 10, 2001 : Air Piracy Reprisal and Capture Act of 2001
October 9, 2001 : Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security
September 25, 2001 : Foreign Interventionism
September 14, 2001 : Statement on the Congressional Authorization...
September 12, 2001 : Statement on the New York City and Washington...
September 6, 2001 : The US Dollar and the World Economy
August 2, 2001 : Patient's Bill of Rights Means More Government
August 2, 2001 : Patient's Bill of Rights Undermines Individual Rights
August 2, 2001 : Prescription Drug Affordability Act
August 2, 2001 : Truth in Employment Act
August 2, 2001 : Enhancing Senior Citizens' Health Care
July 31, 2001 : Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning
July 26, 2001 : Article on the Life of Frederic Bastiat
July 26, 2001 : Lift the US Embargo on Cuba
July 24, 2001 : Introduction of the Patient Privacy Act
July 19, 2001 : Statement on the Community Solutions Act of 2001
July 18, 2001 : Statement on Amendment to Defund the United Nations
July 17, 2001 : Statement for the We The People Press Conference
July 17, 2001 : A Bad Omen
July 17, 2001 : Reimportation of FDA-Approved Pharmaceuticals
June 28, 2001 : Introduction of Education Bills
June 27, 2001 : Postal Service has its Eye on You
June 21, 2001 : Introduction of the Foods are not Drugs Act
June 13, 2001 : Faith Based Initiatives
June 13, 2001 : Conscription Policies
June 13, 2001 : Intervention in Sudan
May 23, 2001 : Letter to HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson on Proposed Medical...
May 23, 2001 : Statement on the Congressional Education Plan
May 22, 2001 : Protecting Privacy and Preventing Misuse of Social...
May 10, 2001 : America Not Getting a Fair Shake from the United Nations
April 26, 2001 : Statement on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
April 26, 2001 : Repeal of the Selective Service Act
April 26, 2001 : Introduction of the Agriculture Education Freedom Act
April 25, 2001 : A New China Policy
April 24, 2001 : Free Trade
March 20, 2001 : Congressman Paul's Statement on Dietary Supplement...
March 15, 2001 : The Medical Privacy Protection Resolution
March 13, 2001 : The Beginning of the End of Fiat Money
March 8, 2001 : Questions for Secretary of State Colin Powell
March 8, 2001 : Opposing National Teacher Certification or National...
February 27, 2001 : Blame Congress for HMOs
February 14, 2001 : The WAGE Act
February 14, 2001 : The Economy
February 13, 2001 : Identity Theft
February 8, 2001 : Potential for War
February 7, 2001 : Challenge to America: A Current Assessment...
January 31, 2001 : Introduction of the Teacher Tax Cut Act
January 31, 2001 : Introduction of the Family Education Freedom Act
January 31, 2001 : Introduction of the Education Improvement Tax Cut Act
January 3, 2001 : Introduction of the Identity Theft Prevention Act
December 4, 2000 : Economic Update
November 15, 2000 : Our Foolish War in the Middle East
November 14, 2000 : FSC Repeal and Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act of 2000
November 13, 2000 : Economic Problems Ahead
October 26, 2000 : Conference Report on H.R. 2615, Certified Development...
October 25, 2000 : National Science Education Act
October 24, 2000 : Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000
October 24, 2000 : Palmetto Bend Conveyance Act
October 19, 2000 : Threats to Financial Freedom
October 19, 2000 : Social Security Number Confidentiality Act of 1999
October 12, 2000 : Warning About Foreign Policy and Monetary Policy
October 11, 2000 : End of Session Issues
October 11, 2000 : Congress Ignores its Constitutional Responsibility...
October 11, 2000 : Conference Report on H.R. 4205, Floyd D. Spence...
September 27, 2000 : Gonzales - 'Lexington of Texas'
September 26, 2000 : Congratulating Home Educators and Home Schooled Students
September 25, 2000 : Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Education for All...
September 21, 2000 : Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
September 20, 2000 : Introduction of the Essential Rural Hospital...
September 18, 2000 : America's Role in the United Nations
September 14, 2000 : Social Security Benefits Tax Relief Act of 2000
September 12, 2000 : Literacy Involves Families Together Act
September 12, 2000 : Scouting For All Act
September 12, 2000 : FSC Repeal and Extra-Territorial Income...
September 7, 2000 : Child Support Distribution Act of 2000
September 7, 2000 : United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
September 6, 2000 : Social Security Tax Relief Act
September 6, 2000 : Minding Our Own Business Regarding Colombia is in...
July 19, 2000 : Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 2000
July 13, 2000 : Limitation on Funds for Abortion, Family Planning, or...
July 10, 2000 : Sense of Congress Regarding Importance and Value...
June 30, 2000 : The Family Health Tax Cut Act
June 29, 2000 : Quality Health-Care Coalition Act of 2000
June 29, 2000 : Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1304, Quality...
June 26, 2000 : Hostettler Amendment to Commerce, Justice, State...
June 26, 2000 : Tribute to Reverend Monsignor Clyde Holtman
June 22, 2000 : Campbell/Bonior Amendment to Commerce, Justice, State...
June 21, 2000 : Withdrawing Approval of United States from Agreement Establishing...
June 19, 2000 : U.S. Membership in the World Trade Organization
June 14, 2000 : Tribute to the Round Top, Texas, Independence Day Parade
June 13, 2000 : Medical Privacy Amendment
May 24, 2000 : PNTR
May 23, 2000 : International Trade
May 18, 2000 : Statement of Ron Paul on the Freedom and Privacy...
May 16, 2000 : The Dollar and Our Current Account Deficit
May 15, 2000 : Manipulating Interest Rates
May 11, 2000 : Statement of Ron Paul on the Misuse of the Social Security Number
May 9, 2000 : Sense of the House in Support of America's Teachers
May 4, 2000 : IDEA Full Funding Act of 2000
May 4, 2000 : Texas Home School Appreciation Week
May 4, 2000 : Statement on the Death of John Cardinal O'Connor
May 2, 2000 : What Is Free Trade?
April 6, 2000 : Tribute to Bastrop High School Energy and Environment Committee
April 6, 2000 : Debate on and Amendment to the American Homeownership and...
April 5, 2000 : Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2000
April 3, 2000 : Awarding Gold Medal to Former President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan...
March 30, 2000 : Fiscal 2000 Supplemental Appropriations/DEA Funding...
March 29, 2000 : During Debate on 2000 Emergency Supplemental...
March 29, 2000 : Unnecessary Supplemental Appropriations...
March 29, 2000 : Tribute to the Law Enforcement Officers...
March 28, 2000 : Congratulating the People of Taiwan for...
March 22, 2000 : During Debate on Nuclear Waste Policy...
March 9, 2000 : Praising Parents and Teachers during Texas...
March 9, 2000 : Minimum Wage Increase Act
March 2, 2000 : Tribute to the Victoria High School Varsity...
March 1, 2000 : Introducing Legislation Calling For the United...
March 1, 2000 : Senior Citizens' Freedom to Work Act of 1999
February 16, 2000 : The Partial Birth Abortion and Judicial Limitation Act
February 16, 2000 : The Agriculture Education Freedom Act
February 15, 2000 : On Presenting Congressional Gold Medal to...
February 10, 2000 : Review Article on 'New Math'
February 10, 2000 : On Introduction of the Pharmaceutical Freedom Act...
February 2, 2000 : A Republic, If You Can Keep It
January 28, 2000 : Statement on OSHA Home Office Regulations

Search for Legislation

For Rep. Paul, each piece of legislation must be examined for its constitutionality; that is, on the basis of whether or not the US Constitution allows the Congress or the Federal Government to engage in the actions described by the proposed legislation. If the Constitution does not allow it, then it must be opposed. (Read the text of the Constitution here).

When a Member of Congress is said to have "sponsored" legislation, this means they are the primary author and originator of the legislation for that particular Congress. A co-sponsor is a Member of Congress who joins with the sponsor in originally introducing the legislation, or officially supporting it after the measure has been formally introduced to the Congress.

You may search for legislation using a key word or phrase (such as 'abortion' or 'guns'), or using a bill number like (such as h.r. 1425, S. 896, h.j.res. 125, sconres 24, H.Res. 99).

110th Congress

For the 110th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

109th Congress

For the 109th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

108th Congress

For the 108th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

107th Congress

For the 107th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has: