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Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia

Yosiwo P. George Presents Credentials to President George W. Bush as New FSM Ambassador to the United States

Yosiwo P. George Presents Credentials to President George W. Bush as New FSM Ambassador to the United States

June 9, 2008 - Another important page in the diplomatic history of the Federated States of Micronesia and the United States was turned on 06 June 2008 when Yosiwo P George, 66, presented his Letter of Credence to President George W. Bush as the new FSM Ambassador to the U.S.  Succeeding former Ambassador Jesse B Marehalau, whose tour of duty terminated on 30 September 2006, George is the second FSM Ambassador accredited to the U.S.

The presentation of credentials ceremonies took place in the Oval Office at the White House.  Ambassador Yosiwo George was joined at the ceremonies by his wife Antilise, his son Palikkun, and his daughter Mialani.

In his prepared remarks at the White House ceremony, Ambassador George stated: “We in the Federated States of Micronesia take pride in our historic and unique relationship with the American people under the Compact of Free Association treaty.  While our two governments will inevitably continue to find ways and means of further improving our relationship, it is my happy observation that the Compact has been mutually beneficial.” 

The original Compact, which went into effect in 1986, has facilitated cooperation between the two countries not only bilaterally but also multilaterally.  Under this treaty, the U.S. Government provides annual economic assistance to the FSM.

In his prepared response, President Bush noted: “Micronesia and the United States share a special relationship, forged during the fierce fighting of World War II and the post-war period.  In 1986 our bilateral Compact of Free Association came into force, heralding a new stage in our relations as sovereign partners.  Five years later we welcomed Micronesia as a member of the United Nations, where our two countries have worked closely ever since.”

One important element of the Compact relationship is defense and security cooperation.  Ambassador George went on to say: “We are grateful for the opportunity extended to our citizens to serve in the U.S. military, even if on a voluntary basis.  Through this arrangement, our citizens are in a position to contribute, albeit in a small way, to the global war on terrorism.”

President Bush responded by saying: “We greatly value Micronesians’ efforts to fight terrorism and promote peace around the world.  The U.S. especially appreciates Micronesians’ brave services in Iraq and Afghanistan and are [sic] honored by their service and sacrifices.”

Prior to his new appointment by FSM President Emanuel Mori, Mr. Yosiwo P. George has held various distinguished positions in the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI), the FSM National Government as well as in the State of Kosrae.  These include TTPI Social Security Administrator; FSM Secretary of Social Services; Lt. Governor and later Governor of Kosrae; FSM Ambassador to the UN; Senator-at-Large in the FSM Congress representing Kosrae; Chief Justice of the Kosrae State Supreme Court; and Executive Director of FSM Health Insurance.

For additional information, please contact

James A Naich
Deputy Chief of Mission
Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia
Washington, D.C.
(202) 223-4383


U.S. Department of the Interior • Office of Insular Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W. • Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6816 • FAX: (202) 219-1989
Last Updated on 06/11/08