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CSM Savusa to move to Afghanistan

American Samoa (May 14, 2008): According to Samoa News, U.S. Army Command Sgt. Major Iuniasolua Savusa – the highest ranking Samoan enlisted man – will be accepting his new assignment with American forces in Afghanistan. Savusa has been selected to take over as the new International Security Assistance Forces, HQ’s, Command Sergeant Major (ISAFCSM) in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Left to Right: Congressman Faleomavaega and CSM Savusa
Left to Right: Congressman Faleomavaega and CSM Savusa

In 2002, Savusa was deployed to Afghanistan in support of the War on Terrorism and served as the Command Sergeant Major for the Task Force Rakkasan, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). In 2003, Savusa was also deployed as Command Sergeant Major for the 3rd Brigade, 187th Infantry Regimen (Rakkasan), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2005, he again deployed to Afghanistan with the Southern European Task Force (Airborne) as Command Sergeant Major for the Combined Joint Task Force.

“I am humbled to answer our nation’s call again,” said Savusa in an email from Europe. “It has been a privilege and an honor to serve soldiers and their families here in Europe. Now it’s time to move on and join our brave men and women in Afghanistan.”

For more information on CSM Savusa, please visit http://www.doi.gov/oia/Firstpginfo/islanders_in_the_military/profiles.html

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Last Updated on 05/14/08