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U.S. Customs to inspect CP Prima shrimp farms

The largest single-company supplier of shrimp to the United States will get a chance this week to prove to U.S. Customs officials the shrimp it sells in America comes from its farms in Indonesia, and not China as the agency believes.
Read also
- CP Prima to cut U.S. shrimp exports
- CP Prima looks to raise $170 million

FDA to stop issuing EU export certificates for seafood

Things are about to change for U.S. exporters accustomed to getting their European Union export certificates from the FDA.

Australis appoints administrator, says no disruption to business

Australis Aquaculture was placed in voluntary administration after failing to secure funds needed to repay a $2.75 million loan.

Supreme Court allows salmon-colorant lawsuit to proceed

Court refuses to hear appeal from grocery chains involving lawsuit accusing them of failing to tell customers about colorant in salmon.

King & Prince names new exec to lead turnaround

Volker Kuntzch, a former Unilever executive, was tabbed Wednesday to become president of King & Prince Seafood.

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Maru Seafood, Icelandic Group try to save Faroese processor

Faroese company Maru Seafood and shareholder Icelandic Group are working on a restructuring plan to save a struggling subsidiary.

The week's most read stories

What stories had IntraFish readers buzzing this past week?

Economic woes force Iceland quota increase

Iceland is increasing its cod quota 30,000 metric tons, the first time ever the catch count has been altered mid-year.

Scotland ISA: No new cases

Scottish government scientists confirmed to the industry they have traced no new cases of Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA).

Salmon price rides high

Although the Norwegian kroner is stronger against the euro, the salmon price seems to be quite stable for the Norwegian farmers.

Photo gallery: Dutch, Belgian flatfish catchers fight low prices

Fishing businesses in the Netherlands and Belgium are struggling with low prices for flatfish but some are developing new markets for other species.

SeaWeb gets a new boss

Melanie Siggs, currently U.K. director of Seafood Choices Alliance, will assume international leadership of its Seafood Choices Alliance program

FDA reviews science of fish diet

The FDA on Thursday released a draft report reviewing numerous scientific studies on the health benefits and risks of eating seafood.

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