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Creating a completely organic aquaculture diet has been a cherished goal for aquaculture feed manufacturers. For fish farmers it represents potential new value-added products. For consumers it represents healthier, more nutritious, and contaminant-free seafood. But despite the increasing global demand for organic seafood, this goal has remained unattained because of a major dietary hurdle.

Why hasn't anyone developed a completely organic aquaculture diet? It's because feed manufacturers have been unable to find organic replacements for the essential fatty acids and amino acids now provided by fish oil and fishmeal. Oils from higher plant sources simply do not contain the necessary n-3 long-chain highly unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, plants cannot provide 100% of such essential amino acids as methionine, lysine, and arginine.

This is where ABN enters the picture. Our proprietary microbial sources of DHA and ARA provide the LC-HUFAs and some amino acids that are now provided by fish oil and fishmeal. Because ABN's ingredients are products of modern fermentation technology, they are certifiable as organic, and thus can provide the missing link that enables a completely organic feed.

ABN opens the door to the production of a wide variety of organic seafood produced by aquaculture, including organic shrimp and organic salmon. In addition, with the impending shortage of feed-quality fish oil and fishmeal, and growing consumer concern about environmental contaminants in seafood, ABN enables aquaculture to continue to expand as a healthy, sustainable industry.

©2007 Advanced BioNutrition Corp.