Kisatchie National Forest


Preserve Hunting Regulations


This fall, Louisiana's wildlands are very dry. Please be careful with fire.
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Hunting Seasons and Regulations

     The hunting season regulations in the Kisatchie National Forest are covered in the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Hunting Regulations with the addition of a Special Permit for the two National Wildlife Preserves that lie within the Kisatchie National Forest. The Louisiana State Hunting Regulations can be obtained by visiting your local Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Office or by calling the LWF Office and finding a local vendor who provides copies.

     The 2008 - 2009 National Wildlife Preserve Permits and Regulations can be viewed in .PDF format by selecting the view .PDF link below. They can also be printed by selecting the printer page size matching your printer.

2008 Gun Deer-Hunting Dates for Kisatchie National Forest
  (.PDF Version 8.5 x 11 (40 kb))
2008-2009 National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve Regs.
  (.PDF Version 8.5" x 11" (1 MB))   (.PDF Version 11" x 17" (1 MB))  
2008-2009 National Catahoula Wildlife Management Preserve Regs.
  (.PDF Version 8.5" x 11" (900 KB))    (.PDF Version 11" x 17" (1 MB))

Link to Get Adobe Reader for .pdf file viewing (Caution): Due to the size and format (.pdf files) of the documents listed above, you will need a .pdf file viewer. If it is already installed on your computer, you should have no problems viewing and printing the files. If not, the Adobe Reader® is a free download and only takes a few minutes to install. The file size is also included with the link and should be considered when using a slow internet connection.

Kisatchie National Forest Hunting Questions and Answers...

Below are some commonly asked questions that are asked by Kisatchie National Forest hunters. If you have a question that is not answered below, feel free to contact us, either in writing, by phone or electronically and your question will be answered as soon as possible. We also welcome comments or suggestions.

1) How far off a KNF road or woods trail do I have to be before I can hunt?
Hunters cannot shoot on or across a road or right-of-way and they cannot endanger persons who might be on roads or trails (36 CFR 261.10(d)).

2) How many deer can I kill on KNF?
      One deer per day of the appropriate sex when the season is open - Louisiana has a statewide deer limit of 3 antlered deer and 3 antlerless deer per season (gun, muzzleloader, and archery combined).

3) What kind of hunting dogs can I use on KNF?
      Waterfowl, quail, dove, and woodcock hunting - recognized bird-dog breeds. Squirrel hunting - any breed of dog. Rabbit hunting - beagles which do not exceed 15 inches at the front shoulder. No dogs can be used for hunting or chasing any species on a deer still-hunting day. See National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve and National Catahoula Wildlife Management Preserve regulations for details on additional rabbit and squirrel dog restrictions.   ( )

4) Can I train my hunting dogs on the KNF?
      Yes, but not on deer still-hunting days.

5) What Louisiana department of Wildlife and Fisheries' (LDWF) Deer-Hunting Areas are the various Kisatchie Districts in so I can determine the gun-hunting dates?
     For gun deer-hunting, KNF lands are seperate and distinct from the LDWF Deer-Hunting Areas listed in the front part of the LDWF's Hunting Seasons and Regulations pamphlet. KNF gun deer-hunting dates are listed in the "Kisatchie National Forest" section toward the rear of LDWF's Hunting Seasons and Regulations pamphlet.

6) Where are the best places on KNF to hunt deer?
      A hunter's success usually is directly related to the amount of time they spend scouting for deer. Generally, go to areas that are most inaccessible. If you can't scout, then develop friendships with persons who know the area well.

7) What can I do when other hunters crowd me when I'm hunting on KNF?
      It’s public land -- you can only hope that others will be respectful of those who arrive first at a hunting spot. But if someone does impose on you, you can either tolerate the crowding or you can leave and find another place to hunt. [It would not serve the greatest good to establish lottery-type hunts with designated hunting sectors.]

8) Can I leave a deer stand on KNF land?
     A person can leave a deer stand unattended only if the deer stand is lying on the ground. A person cannot claim a particular spot by leaving an unattended upright deer stand.

9) Can I bait game animals on KNF land?

10) When is the deer rut on KNF?
     On KNF lands in: west-central & north Louisiana – late October to early November; central Louisiana – early to mid-November.

11) Are squirrel, rabbit, and quail-hunting dates uniform across the KNF?
     Yes. The Catahoula, Calcasieu, Kisatchie, Winn, & Caney Districts all have the same statewide season dates for these species which are listed in the “Resident Game Birds and Animals” section of LDWF’s Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet.

12) Are archery deer-hunting dates uniform across the KNF?
     No. For archery, KNF adheres to the LDWF Deer Hunting Areas listed in the front part of LDWF’s Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet. The Vernon Unit of the Calcasieu District is within Area 3; the southeastern tip of the Catahoula District is within Area 1; the remainder of KNF lands are within Area 2.

13) Is a bow-hunting safety course required to archery hunt on KNF?
     No. The US Fish & Wildlife Service requires such a course for archers on USFWS Refuges, but a bow-hunting safety course is not required on KNF lands.

14) Is deer archery season either-sex on KNF?
     Yes, EXCEPT if a KNF gun season bucks-only day is in effect.

15) Are gun deer-hunting dates uniform across the KNF?
     No. Variation exists among the Districts. KNF gun deer-hunting dates are listed in the “Kisatchie National Forest” section toward the rear of LDWF’s Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet.

16) What’s the minimum age allowable for a hunter on KNF?
     8 years-old on the designated youth hunts on the National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve & National Catahoula Wildlife Management Preserve. Otherwise, there’s no minimum age IF the youngster is accompanied by a properly licensed adult (= 18 years old) who is hunter safety-certified. (Refer to the “Hunting – General Provisions” section and “General Deer Hunting Regulations” section of LDWF’s Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet.)

17) Can I hunt hogs on KNF?
     There’s no designated season for hogs on KNF; however, hogs can be hunted coincidently when a hunting season for some other species is in progress & only with the firearm (& ammunition)(or bow) appropriate for that particular hunting season. The use of hunting dogs must conform to the dog restrictions established for the game species in season. See LDWF’s Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet for details on legal firearms for various hunting seasons. See National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve & National Catahoula Wildlife Management Preserve regulations for details (

18) Can I camp anywhere, anytime on KNF?
     Yes, EXCEPT for National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve, National Catahoula Wildlife Management Preserve [see the Preserve regulations for details (36 CFR 261.10(f))] or Fort Polk WMA. When in KNF campgrounds, see campground bulletin boards for campsite guidance.

19) Can I target-shoot on KNF?
     Generally, no, because a person cannot discharge a firearm or any other implement capable of taking human life, causing injury, or damaging property as follows: 1) in or within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, developed recreation site or occupied area, or 2) across or on a National Forest road or body of water or in any manner or place whereby any person is exposed to injury or any property (such as trees, embankments, etc) is damaged or littered, or 3) into or within any cave. (36 CFR 261.10(d)) Shooting ranges are available at Woodworth (318-484-2212), Ft Polk (337-531-6591), Natchitoches (318-356-9457), Arcadia (318-255-7081), and Ruston (318-397-8949). See for details.

20) What is the ATV policy on KNF?
     All National Forests are revising their ATV-use policies; KNF’s revision should be finalized by December 2006. Currently, a person can ride their ATV only on designated trails on the Calcasieu District, the National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve, and various small, posted areas on the Forest; otherwise, ATV cross-country travel is permitted on the remainder of the Forest. The ATV policy revision expected in December 2006 probably will have a significant impact on ATV-use on KNF. Operating ATVs on public roads, including forest system roads, is prohibited by Louisiana State Traffic Code.

21) Is prescribed burning harmful to wildlife?
     Historically, native vegetation in this area was frequently burned by lightning strikes and Native Americans. Native vegetation and wildlife are dependent on frequent burning.

22) Who sets the hunting seasons for public lands in Louisiana?
     The US Fish & Wildlife Service sets the seasons for the USFWS Refuges. The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission sets the seasons for all other public lands in Louisiana. Officials from KNF and LDWF meet at least once annually (in the Winter) to develop recommendations for the Commission concerning KNF hunting seasons; the Commission may or may not agree with these recommendations.

23) What is the primary guideline that KNF follows in making its recommendation for hunting seasons?
     Provide diverse opportunities for aesthetic, consumptive, and scientific uses of wildlife, fish, and sensitive plant resources in accordance with National, Regional, State and local demands. (Forest Service Manual 2602.2)

24) How do KNF deer-hunting seasons compare with other lands in Louisiana?
     Archery – the season is generally the same on public and private lands throughout the state; relatively little archery hunting pressure exists. Gun/muzzleloader – the season generally is longer on private lands than public lands because hunting pressure can be controlled on private lands moreso than on public lands; KNF generally has more hunting days than any other public lands. Deer-hunting with dogs – KNF is the only public land with a wildlife management mandate in Louisiana in which deer-hunting with dogs is allowed.

25) How do KNF deer-hunting seasons compare with National Forests in other states?
     KNF generally has a longer deer season & a higher seasonal limit than other National Forests. Deer-hunting with dogs is prohibited on most National Forests & is more restricted on other National Forests in the South where it does occur.

26) What are the most controversial hunting-related issues on KNF?
     Cross-country travel on ATVs and deer-hunting with dogs.

27) How can I contact KNF offices?
     KNF Supervisor’s Office, 2500 Shreveport Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360-2009, 318-473-7160. Rapides & Vernon Parishes – Calcasieu Ranger District, 9912 Hwy 28 West, Boyce, LA 71409, 318-793-9427; Grant Parish – Catahoula Ranger District, 5325 LA Hwy 8, Bentley, LA 71407-9726, 318-765-3554; Natchitoches Parish – Kisatchie Ranger District, 229 Dogwood Park Rd, Provencal, LA 71468, 318-472-1840; Winn, Grant, & Natchitoches Parishes – Winn Ranger District, 12319 US Hwy 84 West, Winnfield, LA 71483, 318-628-4664; Webster & Claiborne Parishes – Caney Ranger District, 3288 Hwy 79, Homer, LA 71040-3951, 318-927-2061.

28) Are KNF maps available?
     Yes -- topographical maps for $6 apiece are available at the KNF Supervisor’s Office. District maps are available at Also, do an internet search for topographical maps to find links to map producers.

29) Which hunting seasons do I follow if I am hunting on the Winn Ranger District in Natchitoches Parish – the Winn District or the Kisatchie District?
     Follow the Winn Ranger District guidelines; if you’re hunting National Forest lands, follow the Ranger District guidelines, not the Parish guidelines.

     If you have additional questions, call the KNF: 318-473-7160.


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  USDA Forest Service - Kisatchie National Forest
  Last Modified:  October 28, 2008